USS Reyga - Shipboard Messaging

To: <Reyga/ALL>
From: CAPT Kermit

Subj: New CMO

Reyga Personnel,

Please join me in welcoming aboard our new Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Naderi Vehl.

For those of you who have been skipping your annual physicals, I’m sure our vacant CMO position was the only reason and expect to see those completed promptly now that it’s resolved.

Captain James Kermit
Commanding, USS Reyga

To: <Reyga/ALL>
From: CAPT Kermit

Subj: Kelt Region Assignment Briefing

Reyga Personnel,

Our next assignment takes us to the Kelt Region of the Doza Sector. We’ll be traveling to an ancient space station which was thought to be abandoned. Initial exploration by USS Endeavour found a mysterious crystalline structure - proximity to which results in the failure of standard issue Starfleet equipment such as phasers and tricorders. This is the second such crystal discovered in the Kelt Region. This, and the information potentially available in the station’s computer systems, are a priority for Fleet Command.

Accessing that information has been problematic, due to a population of insectoids discovered living on the station. Command sent USS Defender to remove them to secure access to the station. While the insectoids were non-hostile during the initial exploration, they attacked the next away team which was sent over. At that time the station was also discovered to be blocking transporter beams. The reports are unclear as to the reason for the attack, though in hindsight I believe it’s possible that they knew the team was there to remove them and acted in self-defense.

A biological study performed on a deceased insectoid yielded some general information, but failed to ascertain whether these creatures are sentient. It did, however, result in the synthesis of a pheromone capable of luring the creatures. This was tested successfully by a second away team.

Reyga’s mission is to study the insects, primarily to determine their level of intelligence and whether or not they are sentient. It’s unfortunate that this study comes after a hostile encounter, but that’s the hand we’ve been dealt. All personnel are to assume that the insectoids are sentient and highly intelligent until proven otherwise.

Command has also assigned Major Valencia to the mission. Let me be clear, though. If we have to call in the MACOs, then we have failed.

Department heads, please review the available information and prepare your departments accordingly. We’ll go over specific plans when we arrive.

Captain James Kermit
Commanding, USS Reyga