If anyone's sitting behind a computer and has like a half hour to an hour of time - I am looking for one or more person to test this "Bridge Officer RP/G" I've been working on. It's slightly roll-based and 100% a Star Trek ripoff, but it's a slightly different approach to RP mechanically. It's a super simplified virtual tabletop where I'm the GM.
I built a bunch of maps and wrote a campaign for people to play through here, just hop in the room or post in here and I'll be glad to show it off. I love doing random RP scenarios in there as well (as I've built a ship of sorts).
Awe, sorry I missed yahs last night! Wasn't expecting people to drop in when I wasn't around, lol. If you guys are around in the next 3-5 hours, I'll show you what I wanted to test!
Come on over, taking up to 3 players! If you feel like diving into an "episode".