

The incessant buzzing is the worst part of his incarceration, he can’t tell if it’s the forcefield or a broken plasma regulator, but it’s there.


He knows that complaining about it would likely mean his transfer to “More comfortable quarters” so he lets it go, but after two weeks it is beginning to grind.


He puts his hands over his ears and stares at the ceiling baring his teeth in agony, why won’t it just stop!


For a moment he lets himself believe that he’s been freed from his prison of sound, he lets the silence wash over him like a cool breeze on a hot day.


And then it’s back, this stopping and starting is what makes the noise unbearable, when he gets out he’ll be paying med bay a visit with...


...whats that? A small object drifts lazily around the corner of his cell. It’s a bug, an earth blowfly, it must have come aboard with a cargo ship or gotten free from the bio-lab.


“Nows my chance” he thinks, preparing himself mentally for the task ahead, years of study and martial practice kick in and he lets out a shout, bouncing off an unshielded wall and slamming his hand against the black spot. He lands.


Horror dawns on his face, he realizes why he hasn’t seen it yet. It’s safe from him, hidden in a shielded air bubble. He curses Starfleet and falls to his knees tears streaming down his face.
“Is everything alright in there?" Calls a nurse.
“No, no it’s not alright.” He thinks to himself as his tears pool on the ground.

A dark grin plays across the small creatures face, as the fly keeps buzzing away torturing it’s prey from inside its secure bunker.