Neither time nor fleet operations stand still for one woman. While the JAG deal with the political and morale fallout of Admiral Ashkeph’s court marital, Starbase crews must deal with another kind of fallout. Specifically the destroyed hulks of Cardassian vessels, spilled over Thoron radiation, and an unstable subspace matrix after the results of last months attack on Deep Space 13.
Shift Time: Beta. See Shift Schedule and Weekly Meetups for details.
Audience: Starbase crew primarily of all departments. Will also accept any willing volunteers from starships. Also accepting volunteers for anyone who might get caught up in the situations. Anyone willing to take advantage of the situation, please notify me ahead of time!
Attendance: OPEN - Anyone can attend on any character.
RP Format: Social / Freeform / GM
Setting: Starbase / Starbase Craft / Space
Starting Point: DS13 Operations (Fleet Embassy Operations)
OOC This event can go much longer than Beta. There is no real “end” at this point, such a clean up operation would likely take weeks or months in reality so there’s no need to rush. Once the initial orders are out, it’s largely a GM-less event of procedural treknobabble and treknowizardry!