Hello dearest Argo! 'tis the season -- Award season that is!
We'll be conducting the Fall 2019 Awards Ceremony on the 23 of November at BETA shift.
Awards will be for in-character actions and presented in an in-character event. The location is narrowed to a few possibilities with the spring ceremony's location being the front runner, but it will (very likely) be somewhere on one of our fleet maps.
As always, we are looking for nominations for awards. If your character, or characters you've observed, went through experiences that might qualify them for an award, please feel free to nominate them by posting in the staff support forum, stating who and why you think they deserve it. We are looking for IC actions, but they don't have to be from specific events; general observations about the character's service are fine as well. If you need ideas of what types of actions might net an award for a character, check out the guide post here.
We will also be doing IC promotions at this event. If you would like to talk to the staff about having your character promoted, please make a post to that character's registry thread and we can discuss it there. If you have previously been talking to a staff member about doing so, please remind us again in your registry thread.
Obviously not everyone will be able to attend the ceremony, but that doesn't necessarily mean your character didn't get an award. As always, we will be posting a full list of awards to the forums following the ceremony.
We look forward to seeing you there. If you have any questions about this event, awards or character promotions, please contact the staff.
Argo Staff Team