3 Feb: Here be Dragons

A cryptic message draws the 38th to the edge of known space. Here be dragons.

Shift Time: Gamma

Audience: USS Dragon Crew. Starfleet and RRF Active Duty Personnel.

SPECIFIED ROLE - USS Dragon Crew + Starfleet and RRF Personnel.

  • Limit of 1 Multicrew ship in addition to USS Dragon. DM here or in discord if you want to bring your crewed ship. First come first serve.
  • Limit of 3 total ships, multicrew or otherwise.
  • All active duty Starfleet/RRF personnel with a believable IC reason can join. See OOC note below for roles likely to have active parts to play. If your character does not fit into one of these roles, be aware you may have fewer oppotunities to contribute to RP.

RP Format: GM

Setting: USS Dragon

Starting Point: USS Dragon Bridge

OOC Voidborne Ep #1
Shipboard space event. Characters in Command/Ops/Eng/Tac/Sci, potentially Dipl/Intel will have more active roles. Low danger to involved ships/personnel.
In addition to my first event in a long time, this was also an exercise in how many times I could reasonably use the word Dragon, huge props to @DrakeTungsten and USS Dragon for making this arbitrary goal possible.

Related Links:
Prelude Conversaion Between Isadora and Sam