AAR: Here Be Dragons

Filed By:
CAPT Mirazuni, A

LOCATION Great Galactic Barrier

MISSION Investigate strange message

OUTCOME Suspected sightings of Species 2626. Three ships discovered and rescued from an anomaly. Communication was sporadic; two ships warped in the direction of Deep Space 13, one ship warped in the direction of Azedi space.


  • CAPT D. Tungsten
  • CAPT A. Nimitz
  • CAPT A. Mirazuni
  • CMDR E. LaSalle
  • CMDR T. Akaela
  • LCDR R.Lawson
  • LCDR V. Reese
  • LT K. Fra’seer
  • LT A. Wind-People
  • LT S. Mekyu
  • CDR Nathes

NARRATIVE The U.S.S. Dragon and U.S.S. Endeavour had been investigating the signal for over a day when the ships experienced distortion coming from an unknown anomaly. Upon investigation, a distortion appeared in the barrier in which we detected a distress call. After some frantic and chaotic moments on the bridge where it was not clear who was tasked with what, the ships were saved, but only just before the anomaly closed.

The three ships were identified by Captain Nimitz and Commander Akaela as Species 2624. The ships attempted to communicate with us, but again, mixed messages on the bridge caused confusion. The three ships also left a number of cargo containers, perhaps as a gift, but this was unverified.

Image of Ship taken from Endeavour's sensors

After failed communications, the ships warped off; two travelled to DS13 whilst one went in the direction of Azedi space. Neither of the ships was ordered to pursue. The Endeavour went to warp on course for DS13, whilst the Dragon remained to remove a tracking device and to collect the unknown gifts.

RECOMMENDATION Previous reports indicate the vessels were hostile. We were not able to verify this and the ships went in the direction of DS13. DS13 should be on alert just in case.

RECOGNITION No observed officer performed to standard. I was not privy to the work of the bridge crew, however.

OOC AAR for the event Here be Dragons. Previous event and data linked, but be aware that the details of these are out of date and could be changed.