TO: CMDR Sideris SUBJ: Intelligence Request

To: CMDR Sideris (@Calyx )
From: CAPT Lyn
Subj: Intelligence Request


As you are no doubt aware, the USS Minerva has begun an investigation concerning the unknown vessels which breached the Galactic Barrier on stardate 100092.5. Based on course and last known heading, it is assumed these vessels are now operating within the 38th fleet’s AO.

Put simply, we have nowhere to start. Since their encounter with the USS Dragon and USS Endeavour, there have been no confirmed sightings. Between Starfleet and civilian reports, the number of unidentified ship sightings number well into the thousands and unconfirmed rumors of all sorts abound.

I am formally requesting the aid of Starfleet Intelligence in narrowing the field and sourcing any information that may allow us to find these vessels and discern their objective. Any encounter with an extragalactic species is significant, and the fact we have lost track of them so completely is troubling. Your assistance is appreciated.

In an unrelated matter I recently spoke with one of your officers, a Lt. Seonu. She appeared quite mentally fatigued and in need of leave. This is in no way a statement in any official capacity, but rather an observation from a concerned fellow officer.


CAPT Isadora Lyn
Commanding Officer,
USS Minerva

//ATTACHMENT// AAR: Here be Dragons

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To: CAPT Lyn
From: CMDR Sideris
Subj: Re: Intelligence Request


Your request for assistance is granted. I’ve put together a small team of analysts to sift through the data we’ve collected on piracy patterns and foreign ship movements for anything that might be relevant to your search for the vessels in question. The team will also consume and analyze passive data feeds relating to new sentient species from medical or diplomatic channels. They’ll dispatch a daily report to you with any potential leads or actionable insights.

Additionally, I have assigned LCDR Aurelia t’Veras as liaison to this office and coordinator for your intelligence-gathering apparatus aboard the USS Minerva. Review her dossier (attached below); she has experience in both covert and open operations and has handled some extremely dynamic situations.

Advise if you need anything else. Good luck.

CMDR Sideris
Chief Intelligence Officer, Deep Space 13
38th Fleet ‘Argo’

//ATTACHMENT// Dossier - LCDR t’Veras


To: CMDR Sideris (@Calyx )
CC: LCDR t’Veras (@Aurelia )
From: CAPT Lyn
Subj: Re: Re: Intelligence Request


Response is acknowledged. You have my thanks, the support of your department will no doubt prove invaluable. Any pertinent data collected on our end will likewise be forwarded to your team.

I have reviewed LCDR t’Veras dossier, and her capabilities will be a welcome addition to this investigation. Pending approval, she will have access to any starship-based resources she requires. I look forward to working with her.


CAPT Isadora Lyn
Commanding Officer,
USS Minerva

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