CDR Nathes
LOCATION “Galactic Barrier”
MISSION Investigation of mysterious memo and transmission received by Allied Command Staff.
OUTCOME Vessels investigated mysterious memo and transmission received by Federation Command Staff. Vessels USS ENDEAVOUR and USS DRAGON encountered three vessels of unknown origin.
NARRATIVE Vessels USS ENDEAVOUR and USS DRAGON investigated a mysterious transmission and memo received by allied Command Staff. The source of the transmission was isolated to the so called Galactic barrier, a region of intense negative energy that hampers many systems used by RRF and Starfleet vessels.
Initially, the barrier emitted a series of powerful emissions that cause significant turbulence to both ships-of-the-wing. Upon further investigation, it was revealed the source of these missions was three ships attempting to burrow their way through the barrier. Their results were, however, faltering. USS DRAGON and USS ENDEAVOUR proceeded to emit an anti-graviton beam to ensure the tunnel these vessels were traveling through remained intact.
Efforts proved successful. Further, information was obtained on the three unknown vessels. Their hulls match no records in either RRF and Starfleet. Further, their hull is composed of some sort of organic material that, for lack of better words, appears almost alive.
The three unknown vessels administered a series of archaic, almost poetic transmissions. Further, the unknown vessels offered crates of valuable resources, perhaps as a token of thanks.
Upon Starfleet delivering a cordial response, the three vessels proceeded to veer off in separate directions. Two were headed (roughly) for Federation space near DEEP SPACE THIRTEEN, while one was traveling for Azedi space. Further, a tacking beacon was located on the hull of USS DRAGON.
The three unknown vessels soon vanished from long range sensors. No conclusive evidence to why the vessels disappeared can be provided. Only speculation.
RECOMMENDATION A thorough analysis of the vessels’ configuration, propulsion systems, and energy subsystem (in-so-far as sensor telemetry from allied vessels can provide) should be conducted. Further, the trails of these unknown vessels should be tracked. The agendas of these unknown vessels is, at present, unclear. Lastly, a comprehensive investigation as to why these vessels disappeared from Federation sensors should be conducted. Should evidence of cloaking technology be discovered, RRF Command shall be notified immediately.
RECOGNITION All officers performed well, with satisfactory conduct befitting of the Khitomer Alliance.
OOC If I missed any names in key personnel, please let me know. Thank you @CaoCaoPuff for hosting tonight’s event. I had a great time. Looking forward to seeing how this mystery unravels!