AAR: Barbarity and Terror

Filed By:
CAPT Tungsten, D.

LOCATION Tri’vokil System, border of Argelius and Rator sectors.
MISSION Defense of the autonomous Romulan world of Tri’vokil from the Romulan Star Empire, at their request.

OUTCOME Success.


  • CDR Nathes
  • CAPT Tungsten, D.
  • CAPT Morton, C.
  • CAPT De Drowvani Nimitz, T.
  • CAPT Grant, S.
  • LTJG Sovum, V.

A wing of Starfleet ships comprised of USS Dragon, USS October, USS Scharnhorst, and USS Argama arrived back in the Tri’vokil system to an urgent briefing aboard RRW Virin.

The situation was deteriorating rapidly, as the planet had come under attack from unusually fast and devastating plasma torpedo volleys, originating somewhere outside of near orbit. Point defense from the planet and nearby ships was struggling to intercept the bombardment.

Commander Nathes informed us that there had already been about 50,000 deaths, and of course much destruction on the planet surface, and that we needed to stop it as quickly as possible. I think I can speak for my fellow Starfleet officers in saying that none of us disagreed. Republic and Starfleet Intelligence agencies were able to narrow down an area nearby as the origin of the attack, and confirm the position of a Romulan Star Empire attack fleet nearby to that. The Republic 12th Flotilla had begun to engage them, both for the purpose of ending that particular threat, and to give us an opening to deal with the source of the bombardment.

As we arrived with RRW Virin leading the task force under cloak, we had to scan for the locations. It seemed that the point of origin for the torpedoes was in four different places. Captain De Drowvani Nimitz then utilized a spread of tricobalt warheads to disrupt cloaks in the designated areas after we narrowed the target area further with sensor sweeps.

This was extremely effective, and revealed that we were actually dealing with one enormous weapons platform, that had four dedicated launchers for these plasma torpedoes. Further sensor scans happening simultaneously revealed the likely presence of other cloaked ships, which proved to be correct not long after.

USS Dragon, USS October, and USS Scharnhorst deployed their fighter compliments, with Dragon and October also deploying their embarked escort craft, with USS Argama operating as additional escort.

The three larger ships began their attack on the weapons platform, including phaser-lance fire from USS Dragon and phaser and torpedo barrage from all ships; they were met with return fire in the form of plasma beam arrays, and some of those torpedoes directed at them, which did not insignificant damage, even with shields at full.

Meanwhile, to Mogai Class warbirds decloaked, and USS Argama, RRW Virin, and the aforementioned escort craft and fighters proceeded to deal with them. USS Scharnhorst would also direct some fire at the warbirds.

Fortunately, the platform’s offensive ability diminished with each attack, and so all of our larger ships pressed on with terrible amounts of phasers and torpedoes as our smaller ships very competently overwhelmed the two warbirds, and eventually destroyed them, taking their own shots at the now-battered installation.

It was destroyed, and damage to our ships was being handled by repair crews–none critical. It was then that we set rendezvous course for the Republic 12th Flotilla to give them aid.

The scene was grisly, with many destroyed hulls in the area, and not going well for the 12th Flotilla, though they had accomplished their task of allowing us to attack the installation attacking Tri’vokil.

The wing of allied ships joining them made use of a brief window before detection to fire the three phaser-lances in our group at the enemy dreadnought, and two of the cruisers to good effect, while employing all other weapons to fire at will. This did cause some brief chaos in the enemy lines, and allow the surviving ships of the 12th Flotilla to quickly pull survivors from their other ships, including the Wing Commander. We were still outnumbered though, and all allied ships agreed on a withdrawal, to regroup closer to Tri’vokil.

Curiously, the enemy ships pursued for a short while, but broke off as we got close to high orbit of Tri’vokil. True, the local defense fleet has a number of warbirds remaining, even after half of them disappeared under somewhat mysterious circumstances as our involvement in this matter began some weeks ago. Still, if their aim was to bombard the planet into submission, one would think they’d at least take a few pot shots at the planet before leaving.

We gathered aboard the Virin once more to compare notes, where Commander Nathes remarked how unlike the Romulan Star Empire it was to not waste our time with bluster, arrogance, and a good monologue at any point during our conflict. Doctor Sovum, who had been aboard the Virin to assist her medical staff, and was treating the Republic Wing Commander of the 12th Flotilla there, relayed that he had commented similarly, noting their surprising coordination and efficiency in attack. He had also mentioned an “Operation Rebirth” to her before slipping out of lucidity. Between that, the still-missing warbirds, presumed to be in the Valdore Nebula, and just what the Romulan Star Empire hopes to accomplish here, demands follow-up.

Some of us are still puzzled how a now-failed state, with dwindling resources, and an only decreasing number of ships, has managed to mount such an assault, and construct such a menacing and effective planetary bombardment platform for this effort. Yes, Tri’vokil is in a strategic location, and it would be quite a prize for them even if it wasn’t, but being worth such an assault in manpower and equipment seems dubious.

For now, all Starfleet and Republic vessels are rendering as much aid as they can to the people on the surface of Tri’vokil, while effecting repairs.

RECOMMENDATION Strongly recommend all allied intelligence agencies follow up on this “Operation Rebirth” the Romulan Star Empire has in motion. Also reinforcements to Tri’vokil if possible, and dispatch of medical and other aid to the planet.

RECOGNITION All present performed their duties with distinction, accomplishing their mission with minimal (for the situation) damage and casualties.

OOC Thank you, @Garak234 , for another great event! As I said in ArgoChat, looking forward to the next pieces of this one! Log here.

Filed By:
CAPT Morton, Coby

LOCATION USS October; Tri’Vokil System.

NARRATIVE USS October rendezvoused in Orbit of Tri’Vokil to accept a small delegation made up of Praetor Viriton and his Wing-Commander Laiek of the Tri’Vokil defense force. While brief, this officer believes it’s paramount to share any and all new information regardless of quantity.

We’ve already been made aware of the signed agreement between the Romulan Star Empire and the Tri’vokil free state government surrounding the events of which took place in 2409, it was made apparent during our discussion that there was a further extension to this signed arrangement that persisted until recently. Terms stated the planet would fall under the protection of the Romulan Star Empire forces while Tri’Vokil itself would remain a near enough free state and independent.

Tri’Vokil was by default involved in an: “Operation Rebirth”, designed to to wipe out the regime in Mol’Rihan. It can be speculated more solidly by the Wing-Commander’s knowledge and admittance by extension of their flotilla’s awareness that missing elements have defected to join Star Empire forces.

Rebirth is described as a staged operation with Tri’Vokil standing as the first gateway into the conquer of Mol’Rihan, primarily through the Valdore Nebula. When pressed, Wing-Commander Laiek expressed an attempt to learn further into the Operation however was only able to yield speculation of Star Empire forces working on a construction project inside of the Nebula, however due to sensor interference nothing further could be learned.

Praetor Viriton will be making a statement of these findings to the Assembly and by effect the planet.

RECOMMENDATION Without further information on what’s inside of the Valdore Nebula progression and solution will be hindered. It’s this officer’s opinion that a covert reconnaissance mission is launched into the area.

It’s been suggested Tri’Vokil allies on Rator III have discovered a work around to ease sensor interference making it possible to take a small craft or vessel into the Nebula, a delegation should be sent to them to understand their sensor patch.

A joint operation between Republic assets and Starfleet would be beneficial however it’s this officer’s suggestion that Captain Drake Tungsten, an officer now better equipped and familiar with the extent of Tri’Vokil and Star Empire force deployment in the sector, should lead this investigation.

It’s this officer’s opinion once more that a vessel no larger than the USS October’s or Dragon’s Aquarius parasite craft should be sent as means of versatility and specialist recon.