AAR: Birdwatching

Filed By:
LCDR Zital, Serris

LOCATION Deep Space, Hobus Sector

MISSION Perform reconnaissance of Romulan Star Empire space to locate viable targets for further advancement.

OUTCOME Mission successful.


NARRATIVE The Mariner engaged in a standard recon patrol route in enemy space at low warp, with stealth measures engaged to evade detection. While nearing the border of the Hobus sector, we intercepted a mercenary Romulan ship, the K.C.S. Sienov, which was experiencing a malfunction in its cloaking device. While communication with the vessel proved challenging due to the lack of professionalism, they were willing to provide us with information on a previously unknown star system in Imperial space that could prove to be a viable military target, information attached.

Preliminary long-range scans have verified the existence of a Starbase facility at the coordinates provided, as well as several warp signatures moving in and out, though electromagnetic interference from asteroid belts and coronal mass ejections have made verifying numbers and assets difficult.

RECOMMENDATION Deploy additional recon to NGC-1716 to scout military assets.

RECOGNITION Commander Warner and Lieutenant J.G. Vaas demonstrated keen acumen in assessing the threat of the situation.

//ATTACHMENT// NGC-1716.sysmap

OOC The only Mariner event for the war arc that I’ll be able to host this month. Thanks to everyone for coming, and apologies for the slow pace! Extenuating circumstances made it hard to build the momentum needed to resolve everything quickly.

Filed By:
LCDR Zital, Serris

ADDENDUM Progress has begun on developing potential hardware and software solutions for the previously reported design flaw in the Caelian-class sensor systems. Unfortunately, pending a hardware revision, ships of this class are not capable of exercising their full weapons complement and maintaining sufficient sensor bandwidth to detect cloaked ships. At present, the only means to avoid this bottleneck is to disengage the secondary deflector from the shield system and operate with torpedo launchers only. This reduces shield capacity by 33% and severely compromises the defensive capabilities of Caelian-class ships, limiting their effectiveness in combat engagements.

RECOMMENDATION Immediately halt construction of any and all Caelian-class spaceframes. Keep U.S.S. Caelian, U.S.S. Janiculan, and U.S.S. Mariner limited to reconnaissance and back line combat support roles until a viable fix is developed and implemented. Assign a dedicated engineering task force with the aim of correcting this issue as soon as possible.