NGC-1716 | |
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Population: Dominant Species: Star Type: Planets: Location: Annex: Discovered By: |
Unknown Romulan G-Type 1 Lirss Sector Romulan Star Empire U.S.S. Mariner |
NGC-1716 is a star system located near the cross-section between the Dimorus, Lirss, Vendor, and Agrama Sectors of the Beta Quadrant. Its existence was unknown to the Federation, completely uncharted before the U.S.S. Mariner had a chance encounter with the Romulan mercenary ship K.C.S. Sienov, which provided its location.
NGC-1716 is a late stage G-type star of 4.167709 solar masses, surrounded by several asteroid belts extending out to 2 AU. It is one of many such unremarkable systems in the Milky Way Galaxy, however, this one is notable for intersecting with a rogue planet that’s currently traveling through its gravity well.
NGC-1716 1
NGC-1716 1 is a rogue Marginal L-class planet, tectonically active, with 64% surface water. The atmosphere is comprised of 61% argon, 29% oxygen, 8% nitrogen, and 2% fluorine and carbon dioxide. While technically habitable, the planet’s volatile atmospheric pressure and high concentrations of oxygen and fluorine make the surface conditions inhospitable, susceptible to immensely powerful lightning storms capable of crippling small craft in short order. It is expected to remain in loose orbit of NGC-1716 until it achieves breakaway velocity in approximately six years.
Asteroid Belts
The asteroid belts littered throughout the system are comprised primarily of ferromagnetic metals, such as cobalt, iron, maganese, nickel, and neodymium. Coronal mass ejections have strewn several large, rogue asteroids in loose orbit throughout the system, making it difficult to navigate. The electromagnetic interference from the asteroids and CMEs makes it difficult to get clear readings with long-range scans.
Intelligence provided by the Sienov indicated that NGC-1716 was a popular, discreet center of trade for various elements of Imperial Romulan society, both legitimate and illegitimate. Long-range scans performed by the Mariner indicated the presence of at least one Starbase class facility within the system. Traffic analysis of military convoys passing through the sector indicated that they could have been using NGC-1716 as a staging ground to source and ship various materials for construction in the Lirss, Noro, Iconia, and Gasko Sectors.
The Second Romulan War
Due to NGC-1716’s proximity to Imperial Romulan shipping lanes, and its unusually active electromagnetic fields amplifying or outright causing several particle storms in the area, a unique tactical opportunity presented itself. By redirecting a nearby neutron storm, the crew of the U.S.S. Reyga were able to funnel a large military convoy into the inner orbital plane of the star. The Reyga crew then embedded the ship within NGC-1716’s corona and amplified a coronal mass ejection with magneton pulses to critically damage or outright destroy 27 out of 31 ships.
After the loss of such a substantial military shipment at the hands of what appeared to be an epic natural disaster, Imperial Romulan military vessels have avoided NGC-1716 since the incident due to fears that the star may be in imminent danger of going supernova. While the local resupply facility within NGC-1716 was spared from any damage by the Reyga’s amplified CME, its population has effectively been left stranded and unable to evacuate despite numerous distress calls.
By exercising goodwill, Starfleet may have an opportunity to leverage the existing infrastructure and spurce abundant ferromagnetic materials like neodymium for deflector dish and warp coil construction. This would also establish a beachhead close to Imperial Romulan shipping lanes and disrupt their supply chain.