AAR: Act of God

Filed By:
CAPT Kermit, J.

LOCATION Agrama/Lirss Sector Border.

MISSION Disrupt the flow of supplies and reinforcements from Agrama to Fvillhaih by simulating a navigational hazard caused by natural disaster.

OUTCOME Mission success. Neutron storm diverted to deny primary transit route. Secondary route obstructed by enhanced coronal mass ejection. Twelve cargo transports and fifteen warbirds destroyed. No evidence that Starfleet involvement was detected.


  • CAPT Kermit
  • CMDR Sedai
  • LCDR Kuvak
  • LCDR Castillo
  • ENS Sadaann
  • ENS Ban

NARRATIVE A confluence of circumstance resulted in the opportunity to leverage Reyga’s metaphasic shield system and stellar research equipment to great effect. Given the Star Empire’s known convoy route between Agrama and Fvillhaih, this mission was based on the discovery of 1) a neutronic storm passing within 5 LY of the route and 2) a system with increased stellar instability in the path of a likely detour. An operation was devised to divert the storm into the convoy path and then to assault the convoy with stellar material, in such a way as to create the perception that natural phenomena are blocking the route.

Doctor Castillo, along with Ensigns Sadaann and Ban were dispatched on the runabout Aesop while Reyga proceeded to NGC-1716. They had the unenviable task of redirecting the deadly storm into the convoy route. Using Aesop’s deflector, tractor emitters, and hull surface, the crew created a condition which would attract the storm. Unfortunately, in order to meaningfully direct the storm, they were forced to venture to its center.

Within the storm, powerful enough to force a fleet of starships to change course, the runabout had to dodge plasma eddies and struggled to maintain stability. The crew was exposed to high levels of neutron radiation and bombarded with radiolytic isotopes. Doctor Castillo’s efforts provided a measure of protection during the mission and allowed them to survive the ordeal. After depositing the storm on the designated course, Aesop exited the hazardous area and waited for rendezvous with Reyga.

Meanwhile, in NGC-1716, Reyga activated metaphasic shields and entered the star’s corona. Commanders Sedai and Kuvak led the science and engineering departments in devising, preparing for, and implementing a plan to exaggerate the effect of a coronal mass ejection to the point where it could threaten the Romulan convoy.

When the convoy was detected on approach, Reyga was positioned beneath a solar prominence as it formed, and our deflector and increased power reserves were used to amplify its size. The force of the resulting coronal mass ejection also triggered the release of a substantial amount of surface plasma.

Reyga was able to evade the vast majority of the surface ejection in time, but was struck by an outlying plasma stream. The result was serious damage to lower decks and power systems throughout the ship. Disruption in metaphasic shielding also resulted in numerous radiation exposures and difficulty effecting repairs on-site.

Our damage was trivial in comparison to what was inflicted upon the convoy, however. Twenty one targets were destroyed outright, including the entire cargo transport convoy and most of the smaller warbirds. Another two warbirds were destroyed due to secondary damage and four were scuttled by their crews. Four surviving warbirds recovered survivors and departed back towards Agrama.

:clipboard: Convoy Disposition
IRW DaendleTransportDESTROYED
IRW HavranTransportDESTROYED
IRW HlluoiTransportDESTROYED
IRW HnhaienenTransportDESTROYED
IRW IsihhusedhTransportDESTROYED
IRW KheinheTransportDESTROYED
IRW Khiil'khuaenenTransportDESTROYED
IRW LmnaenenTransportDESTROYED
IRW NaeteanenTransportDESTROYED
IRW PraehhaesTransportDESTROYED
IRW TaicirTransportDESTROYED
IRW GorhainenMandukarDESTROYED
IRW IrhioyedhDhelanACTIVE
IRW Ra'lachnofvT'VaroDESTROYED
IRW VahhrerMandukarDESTROYED
IRW DraerenenMogaiSCUTTLED
IRW EiihueriValdoreDESTROYED
IRW SekhuaenenValdoreSCUTTLED
IRW FvaaeD'ridthauSCUTTLED
IRW LioraennoD'DeridexACTIVE
IRW LsendtnoHa'apaxACTIVE
IRW PangaereD'DeridexSCUTTLED

RECOMMENDATION With Imperial resupply and reinforcement to Fvillhaih halted, and no reason for the Empire to suspect the delay is due to enemy action, an offensive at Fvillhaih as soon as possible would seem to be in order.

RECOGNITION Lieutenant Commander Castillo objected to this mission on ethical grounds. Despite his concern being overruled, he performed his duty diligently. Commander Castillo and Ensigns Sadaann and Ban accomplished a difficult but vital task, at enormous personal risk, each suffering serious illness as a result. Without their effort and sacrifice, this mission could not have succeeded.

Commander Sedai and Lieutenant Commander Kuvak devised a unique and extraordinary method of exploiting stellar instability to incredible destructive effect. Their work is deserving of citation and of never being attempted again.

Filed By:
CMDR Sedai, Katriel


Deploy continuous burst mode magneton pulses to massively magnify effect of natural coronal mass ejection of NGC-1716’s star.


  • CMDR Sedai
  • LCDR Kuvak


In a typical coronal mass ejection (CME), the sun’s magnetic field expands beyond its molten core, pulling plasma and stellar gas out with it until the field inevitably stretches thin and collapses. The resulting ‘bubble’ of plasma is flung out into space and is incredibly damaging in the short term, but eventually loses energy and dissipates harmlessly.


Reyga’s dedicated metaphasic shielding makes it possible for the vessel to spend extended periods of time within the outermost layers of a typical star’s corona (types O-M). This would allow the vessel to sit at the base of a newly forming CME.

By directing a concentrated output of magneton pulses in synchronization with the growth of the CME’s magnetic field, the Reyga may theoretically be able to amplify and round out the field, delaying its collapse until it has grown a much more significant size. As a result, when the field does inevitably collapse, the resultant release of energy will eject a far greater mass of coronal material than would happen naturally.

Typical CME Reyga-affected CME


  • Necessary power to reach desired impact levels is fairly outrageous and, for a vessel of Reyga’s size and specs, almost not technically feasible. Oversaturation of all primary and auxiliary power banks gets us closer to our target numbers.

  • Helm should be aware that when amplified magnetic field is collapsing, vessel should take care to not be in direct vicinity of collapse point, as collapse will generate significant energy release and be particularly turbulent.

  • We are capable of predicting the locations of forming CMEs and estimating their likely natural height, to help select the most powerful ejection to amplify. However, depending on the arrival of the target fleet, we may not have the luxury of choosing our ideal site.

  • Calculations for predicting ejection height should take into consideration NGC-1716’s current rotation, which will produce additional momentum for ejected materials.


  • cme_amplif_powheight.alg
  • cme_ejection_traj.sim
  • prim.deflect-calibrations.pkg
  • 2nd.deflect-calibrations.pkg
  • projected_cme_sites.coors