CAPT Mirazuni, A
BACKGROUND The U.S.S. Endeavour moved to investigate the Wit’Yen system, after long-range probes detected unusual readings from the region. The planet had been harvested by unknown entities in a manner similar to the harvestings on Gzoya Colony.
ADDENDUM After the team split up, this officer, accompanied by Lieutenant Mitsuki and Ensign Sovum in order to locate some survivors in an attempt to see if we could receive a first-hand account of what had transpired. We came across a survivor, who looked to be a scavenger. He had suffered serious injuries from what was assumed to be after falling from a height. A metal object had impaled his left thigh, cutting through the patient’s deep and superficial femoral arteries. Immediate medical aid was required, and the patient had already lost a lot of blood, causing hypotension and low SpO2 levels. Death was imminent.
As this officer needed to remain free to coordinate wider movements, Ensign Sovum provided basic first aid, assisted by Lieutenant Mitsuki. The Ensign administered neurozine for pain and then administered a tourniquet to reduce bleeding. Lieutenant Mitsuki, under the instruction of this officer, carefully cut around the metal object so that the patient could be beamed to medical.
After first aid was rendered, the patient was given priority medical beam out for treatment on the U.S.S. Endeavour. With the other team completing their investigations, and without the firepower to pursue further leads such as speaking with the scavenger groups in the area, both teams returned to the ship to debrief.
RECOMMENDATION The patient succumbed to his wounds on the U.S.S. Endeavour. There is evidence that the patient had experienced an anaphylactic shock due to the hypo administered, however, a post mortem autopsy revealed that the shock was not the cause of death and that the patient had suffered cerebral hypoxia; irreversible brain damage following a lack of oxygen in the brain prior to shock appearing.
RECOGNITION All officers performed exceptionally. I echo the recognition provided in the above report and add that Ensign Sovum performed well to save the patient, even though the patient ultimately expired. I would also like to add that Lieutenant Commander Mah’ren performed well, taking care of her away team and leading them with skill. Her constant updates to this officer were of great help in decision making.
OOC Addendum to the AAR for the event Blood on the Beach.