LCDR Greene, Rhea
LOCATION Deep Space Thirteen, Science Lab 1.
MISSION The continued observation of the biomimetic lifeforms.
OUTCOME Came to a deeper understanding of how the lifeform operates. Though this, as usual, has left us with even more questions.
- LCDR Greene, Rhea
- CENT tr’Vastam, Shea
- LT Thyzee
NARRATIVE In a continued effort to gain a better understanding of the levels of intelligence and sentience of the biomimetic lifeforms, another round of observations was conducted. Aside from the usual personnel, we were joined by both Centurion tr’Vastam and Lieutenant Thyzee, in the hopes that both the Centurion’s fresh perspective and Lieutenant Thyzee’s psionic expertise may prove useful.
After an initial briefing on the subject(s), we began to filter in the oxygen to the containment area. Slowly rousing the lifeforms with Lieutenant Thyzee making continuous attempts to reach out mentally. The conclusion was reached that in the lifeforms intert puddle-like form there was no more mental activity or consciousness than an inanimate object. However, the closer the beings came to taking on their humanoid form, the more complex their psyche became.
Once it had fully assumed the form of Nurse Iotaw, attempts at verbal communication were far more reciprocative. When asking the lifeform if it understood the nature of its current state of being, it simply stated “I’m dead”.
The being, in Lieutenant Thyzee’s words,
“[The lifeform] is taking all it’s stimuli, processing it through what is effectively Iotaw’s consciousness and giving those reactions and responses”.
The final verdict was that, in this specific form, the being possesses the majority of Iotaw’s consciousness, with that of the biomimetic lifeform also present. Further study of the lifeforms in other states would be needed to more fully understand the beings mental workings more fully.
RECOMMENDATION I recommend a qualified committee work towards a judgement call on the unique situation of the lifeform in question before any further testing goes forward.
RECOGNITION We could not have gained such an understanding without the aid of Lieutenant Thyzee.
OOC AAR of the station-side events in Downtime
Thanks to @Serris,@Blackwater and @ElvenLord!
Prior event:The Substance