Filed By:
CAPT Tungsten, D.
LOCATION Ralin System, Itrin Sector
MISSION Make contact with the government of Ralin, assess humanitarian needs, with emphasis on resuming their trade in food to Kacam.
OUTCOME Success.
- CAPT Tungsten, D.
- CAPT Mirazuni, A.
- CAPT Hrlekk (Caitian Defense Force)
- CMDR LaSalle, E.
- CMDR Kasra, D.
- LT Fra’seer, K.
NARRATIVE The journey to the Ralin system was almost surprisingly quiet. No contacts at all, while this officer expected a border patrol or two we’d have to explain our business to. As we arrived in the Ralin system, there were patrol craft that seemed unperturbed by our presence, as well as many freighters, all of which lacked warp drive. To skip ahead a bit, we learned that the people of Ralin did have warp drive long ago, but it was a mostly forgotten technology at this point, as they had relied on the wormholes utilized by the Azedi confederacy for many years now.
Contact was established with a Delegate Martin Kori, who was pleasant enough with us, but as we began discussing the nature of our visit, he was apparently informed by someone that they needed to involve the Foreign Relations Committee. Which he then formed right then and there by grabbing a delegate from the other factions in their government. It’s clear that they are still creating a governing structure there, with inexperienced personnel as earlier reports indicated, though they actually rose to the occasion rather well.
The other delegates had concerns about re-purposing their industrial-agricultural capacity to re-focus towards fishing from farming, and even razing farm land to build factories and refineries. It was clear that the Ralin Sovereign Assembly faction was very keen to become completely self-sufficient.
Through the course of negotiation aboard the USS Dragon, that delegate was eating a fish on a stick, and actually choked on it. Doctor Kasra lept into action and administered medical care, saving his patient swiftly. This most definitely did not hurt the negotiations.
The delegates were persuaded after much deliberation that it was in their interests to resume trade with Kacam. As mentioned before, they relied upon the wormholes for this previously, having eschewed warp technology. This officer offered to them the at least strong possibility that Starfleet Command and the Federation would authorize the transfer of warp technology to them for their freighters, seeing as they were not a pre-warp civilization. For this, they would of course gain the currency and other trade from Kacam, solve the issue of their overflowing storage facilities and the problems that uneaten and rotting food can cause, and gain the ability to travel again without the wormholes.
It is the opinion of this officer that the delegates from Ralin, even those more naturally opposed to us, were generally easier to deal with, and at least willing to listen when they didn’t agree. What really tipped negotiations in our favor was mentioning Viggo, however. This officer did mention how in addition to Kacam, aid was offered to Viggo, and they had really only requested trade for materiel necessary to build starships. This officer believes the delegates from Ralin decided they should need their own as well. They also mentioned they haven’t even been in contact with Viggo, which at least makes the situation of the former Azedi Confederacy slightly less hazy. It does seem that prior suspicions of Viggo’s reach being very limited were correct. This officer is actually unsure whether that is a good thing, or a bad thing. The people of Ralin seem quite content to remain independent, however.
RECOMMENDATION Transfer of relevant schematics for building warp engines suitable to freighters to Ralin, following a few initial complete engine assemblies. They did express a desire to be able to manufacture their own, and given past history, this officer does not view that as a cultural contamination, nor undue advantage, but restoring the level of mobility they have had for years.
RECOGNITION As mentioned above, the efforts of Doctor Kasra in saving the life of one of the Ralin delegates were vital to negotiations, and a job well done.
OOC The log was unfortunately lost due to the character I had logging being out of chat distance unnoticed for a very good chunk of this event. Please let me know if I have anything wrong or missing here, and I will make updates!