In the wake of the Terran invasion the Federation’s neighbor and occasional nemesis, the Confederacy of Azed, has been left in a state of chaos. Contact has been established with Grand Chancellor Eraton of Viggo, who claims to represent the whole of the Confederacy, but it is extremely unlikely that he has truly managed to reform a centralized government. A separate agreement with Kacam has facilitated the shipment of Federation aid in the form of food.
Kacam’s situation is so dire because they previously imported virtually their entire food supply from another Confederacy world, Ralin. Kacam has apparently had little-to-no contact with Ralin since the Terran Invasion, and no food deliveries or interplanetary commerce has resumed. While Federation aid is likely to be an effective stopgap to prevent mass starvation on Kacam, regaining access to Ralin’s nearby abundant food supply is the ideal long-term solution - and potentially the key to providing lasting stabilization to the region.
This mission has been authorized to attempt to contact the government of Ralin. As noted in the CIR, Ralin’s current government is made up of an odd coalition of three separate political parties: the Anti-Corruption Assembly, the Ralin Sovereignty Assembly, and the Assembly for the Advancement of Fishermen. Because of the disparate mission statements of these assemblies, it may be necessary to determine which is most sympathetic and appeal for their support. The situation is further complicated by the relative inexperience in governing expected from their delegates.
Once contact is made, the team’s primary goal should be opening a dialog aimed at combating the humanitarian crisis on Kacam. The team is authorized to enter into any reasonable provisional agreement for the Federation to facilitate Ralin’s support of that objective.
This mission’s secondary objectives include rendering any aid deemed necessary to Ralin itself, and of course, the gathering of intelligence. As in previous missions, details of the relationship, if any, between Ralin and the other Confederacy worlds will be of great value.
Shift Time: gamma
Audience: OPEN Note: all characters will be aboard a single ship during the event. However, additional captains may still attend and it will simply be assumed that their ships are nearby but holding position outside sensor range to avoid the appearance of bringing an armada to a peace talk.
Event Type: Structured - This is primarily yet another sit & talk event, but bridge stations will be accessible for anyone who wants to do some investigating on the side. Characters who just wanna snoop around and not be involved in the actual talks are welcome too! Please feel free to take the initiative and get creative.
Starting Point: Sector space for bridge invites.