Starfleet CIR: Post-Terran Status of Azedi Worlds





Azed (Species: Frith)

System Report:

Government Status: Localized



System Report:

Government Status: Ad-hoc



System Report:

Government Status: Succession Conflict



System Report:

Government Status: Intact



System Report:

Government Status: Functional



System Report:

Government Status: Fragmented


STARDATE 98948.4

//ATTACHMENT// INTEL-AzediStatus.98948.pkg






Originally Recognized Azedi Territory
Confederacy of Azed (Viggo/Ikmore)
Kacam Corporate Authority
Ralin Commonwealth
Citali Autonomous Collective

Frith Communities
The surviving Frith have formed no centralized government, and control no territory. The Frith population is spread among the other local powers. Some have organized into small local communities, but the majority now live as a minority species under the jurisdiction of the other former-Confederacy powers. While their numbers are relatively insignificant, Frith Guides of Azed wield great influence among some of the other former-Confederacy populaces and their religion continues to permeate Azedi society.

In addition, at least one Etnoziroh-class dreadnought is operational and presumed to be under the control of a small religious sect. While sightings have been rare, it has demonstrated hostility towards both the Federation and former-Confederacy independent governments.

Starfleet Command advises all personnel to assume any unidentified Azedi dreadnoughts are hostile until determined otherwise. These vessels pose a significant threat. Tracking of their allegiances, movements, and activities is a high priority.

The Teleraptor graviton beam remains the first-line defense and is presently the only effective weapon available to peacetime-equipped Starfleet vessels. Commanding officers are instructed to request reinforcements and engage only with tactical superiority, unless absolutely necessary.

As they have no official government, the Frith accordingly have no independent diplomatic standing. Defer to the jurisdiction of local/regional government authorities in this report.

The Federation is willing to engage with and/or recognize a Frith government, if one should emerge in the future.

Confederacy of Azed (Viggo/Ikmore)
Despite the devastation, Viggo has declared itself the new capital of the Confederacy. Grand Chancellor Eraton, having taken that title as the highest ranking surviving official, now claims to speak on behalf of the entire Confederacy.

It is not an entirely empty claim: Eraton’s ascension to the rank of Grand Chancellor is in accordance with pre-existing policy, and an estimated 91% of the surviving Confederate Navy has consolidated under his command. Recent reports indicate that Ikmore is also backing Viggo’s claim to the original, unbroken, Confederacy.

The Viggo local government has stabilized since previous reports, with support firmly behind Eraton. Despite this, the situation on the planet itself remains precarious, with the population restricted to a small percentage of the surface, reliant on structures operating barely-sufficient life-support systems. Viggo will not be able to sustain its population over the long-term without outside technological assistance. Of the former-Confederacy members, only Citali and Kacam are likely to possess the expertise to resolve the ecological situation.

Ikmore’s succession conflict has resolved with the ascension of Guru Tecern. Tecern’s claim to the monarchy is extremely tenuous. Though civil war was avoided, multiple factions still contest her rule and are supporters out of practicality alone. Ikmore’s support of Viggo’s vision of the ongoing Confederacy is predicated on Eraton’s repeal of several research bans.

Militarily, Starfleet Intelligence has confirmed that Eraton’s forces possess no dreadnought type vessels, though building one has clearly been among their priorities. The backbone of the Confederacy’s fleet is a somewhat dated destroyer design which pose little pound-for-pound risk to Starfleet. They have, however, begun retrofitting warp drives into their surviving Rayopa-class support cruisers. Even without dreadnoughts, with these cruisers back in the mix, the Confederate Navy may soon regain its standing as the premier military power in the Itrin Sector.

While Eraton’s Confederacy continues to claim all space previously controlled by the Azedi, their reach in practice extends only to the lower third of that area. Starfleet Intelligence believes that attempts to reclaim lost territory, either diplomatically or by force, are likely to resume within 4-6 months.

Starfleet Command advises a cautious posture when dealing with the Viggo/Confederacy of Azed. Respect the Federation-recognized borders as you would the borders of any other sovereign entity.

Be prepared for posturing and attempts to goad Starfleet vessels into initiating conflict. Be cautious if forced to engage Azedi support cruisers, as they possess considerable electronic warfare capabilities. Starfleet countermeasures were sufficient as of the last recorded engagement, but they have proven to be highly adaptable in the past.

In case of unfriendly contact occurring in neutral space, follow normal rules of engagement. In case of unfriendly contact occurring in disputed space, defer to the Federation-recognized government of that space (Citali, Kacam, Ralin).

While the Confederacy’s governmental setup places Eraton and Tecern as equals - Ministers to the Confederate Cabinet, in practice Eraton is currently exercising sole authority with Tecern’s quiet support.

The Federation recognizes this (new) Confederacy of Azed as a successor to the original Confederacy. Previous agreements remain in force only insofar as they do not infringe upon the other newly formed successor states. Specifically, the Federation does not recognize the Confederacy’s claim to Citali, Kacam, and Ralin, nor to the original Confederacy’s borders encompassing those civilizations.

Diplomatic channels have been established, though efforts to negotiate a trade agreement have been unsuccessful. The Federation is unable/unwilling to provide the type and quantity of raw material requested (ie. neutronium for dreadnought construction), and the Confederacy has been unwilling to accept offers of environmental/humanitarian aid.

Kacam Corporate Authority
Kacam's planetary government remains intact and functional in the wake of the Confederacy's collapse, however they remain entirely lacking traditional warp capable starships, having been completely dependent on wormhole transit methods.

Likewise, their naval capacity is nonexistent. Kacam is defended only by a handful of intrasystem transit vessels retrofitted with weapons. Their primary defense against potential invasion is their large standing ground army - the vast majority of surviving Confederate Marines are concentrated on Kacam. Though they have no method of deploying off-world, Kacam’s ground forces presently outnumber the estimated troop capacity of all other former-Confederacy members combined, by a 3:1 margin.

The situation on Kacam remains tenuous, with living conditions for the majority of the population being extremely poor. Without a constant supply of food from off-world, the population would quickly starve. That food supply is presently being facilitated by the Federation in the form of direct shipments and assistance transporting shipments from Ralin. While this is sustainable in the short term, additional logistics infrastructure is required before Kacam will be able to build up any meaningful reserve.

With their immediate food supply needs met, Kacam has been largely content to remain independent. Though they remain open to the possibility of reforming/rejoining the Confederacy, they are understandably wary of unilateral Viggo leadership, and intrinsically linked to Ralin’s disposition.

Starfleet vessels are authorized to travel freely through Kacam territory per our agreement, and standard patrol routes may include this area.

Food shipments - including both Federation-operated and Ralin-operated transports - are prime targets for piracy and should be afforded protection whenever possible. Requests for assistance from Kacam should be honored to the extent permitted by general orders.

Command advises vessels operating in the area be on alert for interference by the Viggo/Confederacy. Reference section above for guidance if encountered.

Kacam may be the touchstone for Federation diplomatic efforts among the Azedi. If Kacam joins Eraton’s efforts the remaining members are predicted to follow, whether through pressure, obligation, or force. The Federation has a vested interest in preventing this outcome.

Maintaining diplomatic ties with an independent Kacam is among the Federation’s highest priorities in the Itrin Sector. The currently in-effect trade agreement by which the Federation provides foodstuffs in exchange for raw materials is a solid foundation. Continuing to facilitate the construction of warp-capable freight vessels by Kacam and Ralin is also a step in the right direction. Starfleet should heed requests for assistance, providing defensive, logistical, and technical aid as needed.

A notable problem point surrounds the social inequality inherent in the Kacam governmental system. FDC has determined that the income disparity and problematic distribution of wealth/resources observed on Kacam is purely an internal matter, invoking applicable Federation non-interference directives. Fortunately, Ralin’s leaders are likely to push in some manner for reforms on Kacam. In that context, and ONLY in that context, Starfleet personnel may support such efforts.

The previously reported Governing Coalition (Anti-Corruption Assembly, Ralin Sovereignty Assembly, Assembly for the Advancement of Fishermen) remains in power. This particular coalition is noteworthy for having been long in Ralin's minority. It is likely to favor independence from the re-forming Confederacy and to advocate for reforms of Kacam's corruption.

General planetside rebuilding efforts are proceeding steadily, and Starfleet Intelligence estimates that Ralin may reach its pre-war baseline economic status within 5 years. This timeline may be greatly accelerated since the reintroduction of regular trade with Kacam (raw materials ⇔ food).

Like Kacam, Ralin was reported to have no warp-capable vessels in its defense fleet, and its government was eager to accept Federation aid in outfitting freighters with warp drives. Without the benefit of a large standing defense force, Ralin is also keenly interested in producing combat vessels, presumably with the intent of defending itself against Viggo expansionism.

Starfleet vessels are authorized to travel freely through Ralinterritory per our agreement, and standard patrol routes may include this area.

Food shipments - including both Federation-operated and Ralin-operated transports - are prime targets for piracy and should be afforded protection whenever possible. Requests for assistance from Ralin should be honored to the extent permitted by general orders.

Command advises vessels operating in the area be on alert for interference by the Viggo/Confederacy. Reference section above for guidance if encountered.

Ralin is presently unlikely to voluntarily join Eraton’s new Confederacy, but has no viable method of resisting annexation without assistance. If requested, that assistance should be provided.

Strengthened ties between Ralin and Kacam are in the Federation’s best interest and should be encouraged wherever possible and permissible. Ralin’s Anti-Corruption Assembly has a history of attempting to improve equality in Kacam’s society. This mandate also aligns with the Federation’s goals and should be supported to the extent possible.

Ralin was the Federation’s first nonhostile contact with the Azedi and FDC believes them to be still the most innately likely to engage in diplomacy out of interest rather than necessity.

Citali Autonomous Collective
Since the previous report, the Citali government has reemerged, with an Overseer Nirflim at its head. As they have no warp-capable vessels, the Citali have not yet made contact with the other former-Confederacy members, and they are geographically the most isolated.

Citali’s recovery is proceeding rapidly. While innovative research has stalled due to a lack of facilities, other industries previously relying on imports from other worlds have developed to the point of being self-sustaining. At this point in time, Citali is most likely the only former-Confederacy world that is entirely self-sufficient.

While none of their vessels are warp-capable, Citali does posses a not-insignificant fleet of Rayopa-class support cruisers, giving them a potential military force second only to the Viggo. As the Viggo have been able to retrofit that type of vessel with warp drives, it is likely the Citali will be able to as well, if and when they make that a priority.

Citali space remains closed to visitors, including Starfleet vessels, unless invited. Diplomatic efforts are ongoing and Starfleet may be tasked with escort missions into the area.

Follow mission-specific protocols and seek guidance from the Diplomatic Corps as needed.

FDC believes Citali equally likely to remain independent or rejoin the Confederacy if approached peacefully. Given their experience with the Terrans, an attempt to force them back in is likely to result in their resistance. In that event, and if requested, the Federation should support Citali’s independence.

The revelation that one of Citali’s local heroes was actually a Starfleet Vice Admiral has had a profound impact on Citali-Federation relations. At first, this was a boon, improving the popular opinion of the Federation among the Citali. Unfortunately, the subsequent court martial of said former flag officer has muted that effect.

Diplomatic channels are open, and discussions are ongoing. No formalized treaties or agreements are in effect.

STARDATE 100679.0

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