AAR: Supply run to Cestus: Mission of Mercy

Filed By:
LTJG Rahn, Naderi

ADDENDUM This addendum serves as a medical log for the five patients taken aboard the U.S.S. Dallas after their rescue from the Urzva. Patients were triaged by myself and a small medical team after their beaming aboard onto the runabout shuttle. I determined that three of the patients were of routine treatment - they only required a single nurse each to have their cuts and minor burns looked at. The other two were both in critical condition upon their beaming into the runabout, having suffered multiple fractures, high degree burns, and toxic amounts of radiation exposure. All we could do within the shuttle was stabilize them until we returned to the Dallas.

The Dallas currently has no medical officer, so I proceeded to take over the sick bay temporarily in order to maintain charge of the patients’ care, directing the nurses as needed. With the biobeds and medical equipment in the sickbay, we were able to determine that one of the critical patients was in far more need of immediate medical assistance than the other. Thus, a team of medical personnel began to attend to the less-critical patient, focusing on treating his radiation sickness, as it was far worse than his burns and broken limbs.

I proceeded to personally take over care for the most severely injured patient. Our first priority was to treat his radiation sickness, as that would’ve killed him in minutes at the rate it was progressing. Thankfully, his Klingon physiology allowed him to withstand the poisoning long enough for our hyposprays to relieve some of the pressure off of his system. However, he then proceeded to start to go into shock, as his burns were severe. I made the decision on the spot to begin fluid resuscitation, ensuring that his body could remain healthy, and we then took him into surgery to excise the burned tissue. Most of the burn tissue along the left side of his body could not be saved. Scarring will be heavy, but overall impact to his health will be minimal as we regenerate the tissue manually.

After the patient was brought out of surgery, I proceeded to the other patient to ensure there wasn’t anything the nurses might’ve missed. I noticed discomfort in the patient, and I proceeded to do a detailed scan of his body, looking for anything we may have missed. The scan indicated increased pressure behind an eye. My immediate reaction was to check for a concussion, but no swelling of the brain was registered. I thus began to scan his blood vessels, and found a clot in a major artery in his neck. Given that his wounds had been sealed and his burn tissue regenerated, I administered a blood-thinner in the form of a hypospray, immediately clearing the clot and allowing his blood-flow to resume naturally.

Treatment plan going forward is as follows:

Patients D’Kel, Egruk, and Wehluk (non-critical patients) will be released to guest chambers. Their injuries were all minor, and they have been treated.

Patient Kropoth (urgent, non-surgical) will be kept under observation, with primary focus on circulatory and respiratory systems. Burn tissue regeneration and bone restructuring will be continued after the effects of blood-thinners has worn off.

Patient 5 (name unknown, urgent surgical) will continue to be the primary focus of our treatment. He still has multiple fractures in his torso, legs, and arms. His burns have been excised, but tissue regeneration is still in progress. He is responding well to all ongoing treatment, but still very much in a critical state.

Support needed: Burn-regenerative hyposprays and protoplasm for tissue regenerator will need to be restocked in the sick bay stat. Ongoing treatments have caused the current supply to run low.