CAPT Barid, Linore
After Action Report
LOCATION Kinkuthanza system, Otha sector
MISSION USS Dallas received a general distress call from the Klingon freighter Urzva in neutral space. CAPT Barid Linore aboard a Delta flyer was ordered to rendezvous with the Urzva and render aid.
OUTCOME Mission successful. All hands aboard the Urzva were recovered before it was destroyed by Klingon forces. Crew were then returned to USS Dallas pending treatment for their wounds.
- CAPT Barid, L.
- LTJG Naderi
- ENS. Riker, M.
- ENS. Thyzee
NARRATIVE After a week in transit, the Dallas arrived in the Cestus system. After directing this officer to conduct a preliminary sweep of the surrounding space for any unusual activity, CAPT Holmes requested a status update on the engines following the lengthy travel time at warp. ENS Riker suggested running a diagnostic, reporting it would take no longer than an hour. CAPT Holmes agreed, then ordering the engines to be shut down for diagnostic.
This officer informed CAPT Holmes that there was no unusual activity in the system. This officer then relayed the dispersal pattern for the colony space defenses to the helm to immediately begin deployment when in range of Cestus III. Following the transfer of the dispersal pattern to helm, ENS Riker informed CAPT Holmes that the warp nacelles had suffered plasma damage during their transit. They would be unable to make it back to Deep Space 13 at warp, though the Dallas still maintained minimum warp capability.
ENS Thyzee then informed CAPT Holmes of a distress call from the Klingon freighter Urzva near the Kinkuthanza system. This officer was given permission to go to yellow alert following the announcement. After receiving the general distress message, this officer recommended continuing on the mission as to not risk the security of Cestus III. CAPT Holmes felt an obligation to assist, and ordered this officer to take a Delta flyer to render aid to the Urvza. This officer requested a team of security and medical personnel join him, along with two engineers to render assistance to the Urzva if needed. LTJG Naderi, ENS Riker, and ENS Thyzee were also ordered to join in the mission of mercy.
Upon arriving at the Urzva’s coordinates 30 minutes later, this officer ordered a tachyon sweep of the surrounding area and opened a channel to the Klingon vessel. Klingon engineer D’kel answered, alerting this officer to the severity of the Urzva’s condition. This officer readied security and engineering teams to assist the Urzva, while ordering LTJG Naderi to prepare to receive wounded aboard the Delta flyer.
A few moments after alerting this officer to the potentiality of a cloaked vessel lying in wait, ENS Riker reported a B’rel-class bird of prey decloaking behind the Delta flyer. This officer ordered shields up and full power to weapons, taking position at tactical and belaying the transport of the wounded Klingons. A M’Chla-class bird of prey decloaked shortly afterward and began engaging with the B’rel.
The M’Chla engaged the B’rel immediately upon decloaking. This officer made note of their disinterest in the Delta flyer and decided to use it to our advantage. This officer noticed that the B’rel seemed more interested in grabbing the attention of the M’Chla than it did engaging with it. This officer ordered ENS Michael to prepare to drop shields. He then ordered ENS Tryzee to lock onto the surviving Klingons aboard the Urzva. All the while, LTJG Naderi was ordered to prepare to receive more patients in her makeshift triage center.
At the earleist opportunity, shields were dropped and the Urzva crew, now patients of LTJG Naderi, were beamed aboard. ENS Riker brought shields up and CMDR Juulla, conn officer at the time, diverted weapons power to engines and turned about to the edge of the system. B’rel broke off engagement with the M’Chla upon the retrieval of the Urzva crew. Not desiring to find out why, this officer ordered the Delta flyer to return to the Dallas at maximum warp.
The M’Chla bird of prey pursued the Delta flyer. This officer received a hail from CAPT Jural, who identified the M’Chla-class bird of prey in pursuit as the Ichu. CAPT Jural requested to know whether the Delta flyer had beamed aboard any of the Urzva’s crew, demanding they be returned to her vessel. This officer knew that the M’Chla class was a staple of the House Mo’kai fleet and did not trust the motivations of CAPT Jural, especially after the previous skirmish. This officer decided to engage in deceptive diplomacy, well-aware of the Federation’s neutrality in the Klingon Civil War and not wanting to hand over any current patients with minor to severe wounds to a potentially hostile force.
CAPT Jural insisted upon delivery of the crew members to the Ichu, asserting that their sensors had picked up on the Klingon lifeforms aboard. This officer informed the Ichu that their sensors must be mistaken, and continued to stall for time and engage in deceptive diplomacy in order to await the arrival of the Dallas. This officer warned the Ichu against engaging with the Delta flyer, reminding them they were still in neutral space, on a mission of mercy, and that the Federation Council would not take kindly to Klingon forces firing upon Starfleet vessels in neutral space. Upon the Dallas’ arrival in the system, CAPT Jural disengaged pursuit without further hostilities. This officer requested permission to return to the Dallas, alerting them to the status of the patients and ordering an emergency site-to-site transport to see to their treatment.
RECOMMENDATION Investigate House Yomot and their role in the current Klingon Civil War. Upon successful treatment of the Urzva crew, take statements and allow them to leave Federation space if necessary.
Recommend postponing all missions of mercy involving Klingon crew beyond Federation territory indefinitely. Until the possibility of cloaked vessels lying in wait to trap or destroy Starfleet responders can be mitigated, we cannot risk the lives of any Starfleet personnel while the Khitomer Alliance hangs in the balance.
RECOGNITION ENS Riker performed above and beyond the call of duty in his response to rapidly-changing situations and scenarios. His quick thinking and familiarity with his station saved the lives of all aboard the Delta flyer. His cautious dedication to Starfleet General Orders, particularly General Order 1, is of particular recognition.
LTJG Naderi was equally as adaptive to changing circumstances, preparing a makeshift triage facility in the back portion of the Delta flyer. Her actions stabilized the Klingon crew and no doubt ensured the medical personnel of the Dallas had an easier time bringing the Urzva crew to full recovery.
ENS Tryzee worked well to identify and adapt to any situation that she came across. The crew of the Delta flyer’s mission success would have been much more difficult had she not been aboard.
This officer recommends these three distinguished officers for the Starfleet Recognition Ribbon to reward their quick thinking and dedication to Starfleet’s noblest ideals and principles.
OOC Thank you so much for the wonderful event! I’m looking forward to many more! It was well written and had a real Star Trek episode feel to it. Great job to all involved!