CAPT Tungsten, D.
LOCATION Planet Tri’vokil, near the Valdore Nebula, edge of Argelius and Rator sectors.
MISSION Success.
OUTCOME The Praetor of the current Tri’vokil government, and the Speaker of the United Assembly of Tri’vokil have agreed to at least small, initial and cooperative steps for the common defense of their world, against the machinations of the Romulan Star Empire. This includes support of the Romulan Republic, and Starfleet.
- CAPT Tungsten, D.
- CDR Nathes
- CMDR Warner, R.
- CIV T’vel
NARRATIVE This officer, Commander Nathes of the Romulan Republic, Commander Warner of Starfleet Security, and T’Vel of Vulcan attended a briefing by Commander Nathes, before heading to Tri’vokil, to discuss with the current government, and the United Assembly, an opposition group looking for self-determination in the ruling of their world, currently independent. As mentioned in earlier reports, the world was populated as a colony of the Romulan Star Empire years ago, but has been autonomous and fairly reclusive until now.
The people of Tri’vokil, on all sides, are convinced the remnant of the Star Empire is making a play for their world, bolstered by the disappearance of half of their fairly sizeable complement of War Birds. It is this crisis that is bring parties together to talk, if reluctantly, and with some much discord to work out.
At our initial beam-in on the planet, near the city center, the crowds were staggering in number, hundreds of thousands strong by Commander Nathes’ estimates, and mostly very agitated, but still remaining peaceful. It was clear they believed very strongly in the cause of self-determination, and also doing something about the threat to their world. Even young children were present, apparently as a means of elevating their voices by showing that none stayed at home. One of these young children actually almost literally ran into our away team, and both she and her father held a very brief, but nonetheless pleasant conversation with us. They were quite happy to see us, and it could be inferred that this was because our presence was seen as doing something about the situation.
As we made our way the short distance to the government compound, a Centurion in the local security forces stopped us, though very politely, and not to assert his authority or evaluate us, but actually to make a plea to us. His uniform and equipment were very shabby, and he asked this officer if we would be able to send equipment and aid, due to the state of their local forces, strongly implying he feared a ground invasion was coming. This officer explicitly promised nothing, due to ongoing negotiations, but did say it was something to be considered strongly.
As our party made it into the government compound we were greeted by the shouting of the Praetor of Tri’vokil, and the Speaker of the Assembly, at each other, clearly about to storm out. It was at this time Commander Warner asked to be excused to talk with one of the local security officers inside the building, apparently at the subtle signaling of said local security officer, a Reman in their Marine Guard named Guard Captain Abisik. Simultaneously, Ms. T’vel and I discussed who should take lead in these negotiations, or mediations, and this officer deferred to not only her skill, but serene and calming demeanor, which seemed very much needed for the situation.
This officer stands by that decision, as Ms. T’Vel was as always, quite effective in defusing the situation with reason. Commander Nathes and I did speak at times, particularly to expand upon or clarify more military points.
Commander Warner, working with Guard Captain Abisik, managed to locate a device of Romulan origin, but as this officer understands it, likely not local, and also unlikely to be of Republic design or manufacture, coming as no surprise whatsoever. It was hidden in a plant’s pot, and scanning and broadcasting. They were able to disable it without triggering any countermeasures, though the lack of broadcast has almost certainly alerted the recipients. This officer still stands behind that decision made by the two, however. The device, now inert, has been brought aboard USS Dragon for study on the way back to Starbase Deep Space 13.
In the discussion with the Praetor and Speaker, we (though mostly T’Vel) were able to get them to agree both to a continued Republic and Starfleet presence around Tri’vokil to deter any Star Empire activity, and defend the world if needed, along with the remainder of their ships. These people asked for our help directly, and neither Starfleet, and by extension the Federation, nor the Romulan Republic, would be well-served by the Star Empire gaining a foothold between us.
It is this officer’s opinion that we have a moral imperative to help these people defend their right to self-determination. There has been talk of them joining either the Federation or the Romulan Republic, and this officer believes they would be an asset to either, but that is far from the point of offering to bolster their defense. Indeed, should they remain completely independent, that is still a great, and possibly even the best, outcome. We should defend their right to make that choice. And if morality is not enough, then we should consider the strategic cost of doing nothing, and letting a hostile power that is well-known to meddle in the affairs of other governments and militaries gain a beachhead very close to the center of both the Federation, and the Republic.
RECOMMENDATION This officer strongly recommends continued Starfleet presence in the Tri’vokil system as long as both the current crisis persists, and we are welcome there, in coordination with our allies in the Romulan Republic, and of course the people of Tri’vokil and their forces. This officer would also recommend aid as needed, in replicating supplies for their security forces, at the very least uniforms and non-lethal equipment, but perhaps also at least a replacement of weapons in bad repair in their current specs. We do not need to make a fortress of Tri’vokil, but please consider giving them the basic means to protect themselves.
RECOGNITION The whole team performed up to the standards of excellence we strive for, and even if that is their job, and their duty, it is still worth mentioning that they did so expertly. T’Vel of course for defusing a tense situation and bringing parties to make at least incremental progress, Commander Nathes of course for organizing much of the operations here with the Republic, and bringing us in, and Commander Warner for displaying both excellent judgement, teamwork with Guard Captain Abisik, and executing a potentially tricky neturalizing operation on the device with the Guard Captain’s capable aid.
OOC I am really enjoying this story arc, so thank you once again to @Garak234 ! This event follows Legacy of Revolution, and A Rihannsu Cocktail. The log for this event can be found here.