SUBMITTED: Stardate 96454.3 | FILED BY: CAPT A. Derenzis | SECURITY: Level 3 - Restricted |
LOCATION: Doza-L605 I, Doza-L605 System, Doza Sector
MISSION: Determine if Doza-L605 I is the origin world of the deadly cordyceps fungus encountered by the U.S.S. William Ockham and onboard DS-13.
OUTCOME: Near-disaster. Primary mission objective accomplished, but battle fought with Rebel Xedi forces in orbit of Doza-L605 I. Lead rebel cruiser destroyed. U.S.S. Shackleton boarded by rebel Xedi forces; 8 crew killed, 17 injured. Medical containment in sickbay lost; Deck 12 placed under lockdown to contain cordyceps infestation.
Shackleton Personnel:
CAPT A. Derenzis
CMDR T. Akaela
CMDR Y. Thorne
CMDR G. Hlolsh
LCDR Z. zh'Cholal (NPC)
LT Boafo (NPC)
LT K. Ledar
Visiting Personnel:
CAPT C. Dubois, U.S.S. Peacecraft
CAPT T. Nimitz, U.S.S. Scharnhorst
LT T'Lal
CPO T. Ashodi
VORTA Kalris 8, D.V. Founder's Wisdom-1034
FIRST Talak'fives, D.V. Founder's Wisdom-1034
CAPT A. Derenzis
CMDR T. Akaela
CMDR Y. Thorne
CMDR G. Hlolsh
LCDR Z. zh'Cholal (NPC)
LT Boafo (NPC)
LT K. Ledar
Visiting Personnel:
CAPT C. Dubois, U.S.S. Peacecraft
CAPT T. Nimitz, U.S.S. Scharnhorst
LT T'Lal
CPO T. Ashodi
VORTA Kalris 8, D.V. Founder's Wisdom-1034
FIRST Talak'fives, D.V. Founder's Wisdom-1034
NARRATIVE: Upon reaching standard orbit of Doza-L605 I (herein referred to as L-Prime), sensors detected a thriving ecosystem on the warm near-side of this cold eyeball planet, and signs of a staging base. Closer examination of orbital scans showed the base to be of Xedi construction. All attempts to contact the base from orbit ended in failure, and a localized scattering field prevented us from detecting life-signs within the base grounds.
Both the base and the ecosystem presented additional mysteries to our primary mission. First, L-Prime is too young to support an ecosystem of the observed complexity; it orbits a brown dwarf barely 9.5 million years in age and still in its deuterium-burning phase. Second, the Isep Xedi are known to be in a state of conflict in their home system, approx. 0.35 ly away from Doza-L605; the rebel faction is on record of being hostile towards the Federation. It is unknown which faction established the base on the surface. To solve each mystery in an efficient manner, while keeping risk of infection to a minimum, this officer authorized three away teams to the planet surface; one away team was sent to a southern forested region, a second to the ice sheets of the far side, and a third - consisting of the following officers ( CMDR Akaela, CMDR Thorne, CMDR Hlolsh, CAPT Dubois, CAPT Nimitz, LT T'lal, CPO Ashodi, and FIRST Talak'fives) - to the vicinity of the Xedi base. All away team members were ordered to wear full EV suits; all analysis of samples would be done on-site, and returning away teams would be subjected to extended biofilter sweeps while in transport. The situation with the Xedi would depend heavily on which faction they belonged to, as well as whether or not they had encountered / been infected by the cordyceps fungus; although given the fungus' deadly and controlling nature, CMDR Hlolsh recommended immediate treatment of any infected Xedi found. CMDR Akeala was placed in operational command of the third away team.
The full findings of the away teams can be found in their respective reports. In summary: away teams One and Three found the cordyceps fungus at their respective sites, as well as a protohumanoid predator species which appears to be a suitable host for the fungus - it is theorized the protohumanoids' anatomical similarities are why the fungus infects humanoids so readily. Genetic scans also confirm the cordyceps fungus to be related to L-Prime's ecosystem. Away Team Two found only microbal life on the ice sheets; ice cores found fossilized microbes as well as smaller plant and insect fossils extending down to a layer approximately 500,000 years old, beyond which no further life can be found. Although evidence for this is tenuous, the best fit for the data suggests that someone attempted to terraform L-Prime around that point. Further study may confirm this, although such study may not be possible for several years.
Away team Three, under CMDR Akaela, was able to make contact with the Xedi base, where they found three survivors of a reported base complement of fifteen. All three were in later stages of the Cordyceps infection; examination by CMO Hlolsh confirmed one Xedi at Stage Two, while the other two were at Stage Three; after suitable steps were taken to prevent spread of the fungal spores, CMO Hlolsh beamed back to the Shackleton with all three Xedi to begin immediate treatment in hopes of saving their lives. Further examination of the base was brought to a halt by both large numbers of protohumanoids advancing on the away team's position and by the arrival of a Xedi cruiser escorted by two frigates in the Doza-L605 system. This officer ordered an immediate return of all away teams on detection of the incoming vessels.
All three incoming vessels bore transponder codes that did not correspond to the Isep Xedi government, and all three had shields and weapons ready for combat. Due to this, and with CAPT Dubois' agreement, this officer ordered the Shackleton to yellow alert. The vessels closed on intercept vector to the Shackleton and the Peacecraft, and hailed us. The lead cruiser's captain identified himself as Norvas, and his ship the "Free Xedi Ship Righteousness", and demanded why we were in their space (it should be noted that at the time, Starfleet Intelligence had listed Doza-L605 as "unoccupied"). When this officer tried to explain to Captain Norvas our status and mission, the rebel Xedi ship proceeded to beam down an away team to the now-abandoned base. Concerned that the Xedi might expose themselves further to the fungus, this captain advised Norvas to recall his team at once; Norvas refused. Shortly thereafter, he cut communications.
This officer conferred with CMDR Akaela, CAPT Dubois, and VORTA Kalris-8 (who had boarded the Shackleton prior to the encounter); the consensus was that the rebel Xedi may not be properly equipped to deal with the fungus, but may also be tempted by the prospect of weaponization. Caught between allowing a potentially hostile faction access to a deadly biological agent, and a violation of the Prime Directive, this officer recommended consultation with Starfleet Command. However, events quickly nullified further debate, as the Xedi vessels launched an attack on our ships. The Righteousness concentrated disruptor fire on the Shackleton, while the two frigates split off to draw the Peacecraft and the Dominion strike craft that had brought Kalris-8 and Talak'fives to this mission. The battle that followed saw no serious advantage to either side for some minutes, until the Righteousness was successful in dropping the Shackleton's shields.
The Righteousness then beamed over two boarding parties, one to deck 12, near the isolation ward where the Xedi patients were being treated, and the second to Deck 24, where they assaulted Main Engineering. Security teams were dispatched at once to repel the boarders, with First Talak'fives joining the security action in Engineering with this officer's permission. LT Ledar took charge of the security team responding to the breach on Deck 12. Both teams reported success in containing the boarders, but not before eight crewmembers were killed and another seventeen injured, including Chief Engineer Voyrays. The actions of the boarders on Deck 12 also disabled the steri-fields keeping the fungal spores contained, exposing several crew on that deck to the fungus. Once LT Ledar had subdued the boarders, CMO Hlolsh placed that deck on medical lockdown.
The boarding party in Engineering, however, had succeeded in placing and arming a fission bomb near the warp core before beaming back to the Righteousness. Security was able to disarm the bomb before it could detonate. The bomb has been sucured as possible evidence.
In the meantime, the battle in space resulted in both Xedi frigates taking damage; both ships proceeded to flee the system at warp. The cruiser continued to fight; combined fire from all three allied ships were ultimately successful in dropping the cruiser's shields. The Dominion strike craft then fired a quantum torpedo, which took out the cruiser's warp core. The ship exploded shortly thereafter. Officers on board both the Peacecraft and the Dominion strike craft were successful in retrieving only 12 of the ship's detected crew of fifty before it was destroyed.
With the boarders subdued, and the attack ended, this officer stood down from Red Alert. Repairs and containment of the fungus are currently ongoing. The Peacecraft has lent personnel to assist with the latter, and at this officer's request, has deployed warning buoys around L-Prime to deter landings by other parties in hopes of preventing further infections.
CAPT Dubois reported that the Peacecraft had intercepted a transmission from the Righteousness just prior to its destruction. The fragment intercepted reported the use of a "Federation biological weapon" against the staging base on L-Prime.
RECOMMENDATION: It is now confirmed that L-Prime is the homeworld of the cordyceps fungus that has plagued this sector since its discovery two years ago. This officer recommends that L-Prime be placed under quarantine. Further study of the planet however, will have to wait until its status has been clarified with the Isep Xedi.
The situation with the Isep Xedi, however, can be best described as disastrous. A rebel Xedi force, including a ship larger and more advanced than any recorded Xedi vessel to date, engaged our ships, killing Starfleet personnel, before losing one of their ships in that battle. A message was released, blaming the Federation for the cordyceps fungus that devastated their surface personnel. This officer believes all Starfleet personnel took the best course of action to safeguard our ships and preserve the peace, however, as operational commander of the mission, this officer assumes all responsibility, and the consequences thereof. This officer places herself, her senior staff, and all logs of the incident, for Starfleet Command to review. I recommend the Xedi consulate on DS-13 be contacted at once and informed of this situation in its entirety.
This officer would extend a note of commendation to First Talak'fives for his actions in Engineering, which may have delayed the boarders attempts to arm their bomb long enough for Security to defuse it in time.
OOC: Alyx's report for the two-part Event "The Xedi Syndrome". Thanks to everyone who participated, and an extra special thanks to Beylara for her permission and guidance in crafting this storyline. As always, any errors or omissions, please let me know and I'll make what corrections are necessary. Reports from other attendees are certainly encouraged!