Appointment Requests

To: Heidi Reese, RN ((@jackascii))
From: CMDR T’Lyn
Subj: Medical Assessment

Ms. Reese,
Thank you for response. Yes, I will be available for an appointment.

Commander T’Lyn

Filed By:

Type of Appointment Requested:

Psychological Assessment @DS13.Counseling

If you can provide some parameters regarding your availability, please do so here:
Monday-Thursday: from Alpha (+1) to Beta (+2)
Friday: Beta (+2-3) to Gamma (But very questionable)
Sunday: Alpha, Beta
Any additional remarks:

To: CMDR T’Lyn @Mr.Baguette
From: LCDR Bubbles-Upon-Distant-Tide

Subj: Mandatory Psychological Evaluation

Salutations, Commander.

I understand that mandatory psychological evaluations are not always a welcome fact of life in Starfleet. However, as explorers of outer space, I hope that you may welcome the experience of exploring your own personal inner space and come away with a greater understanding of yourself.

I have several openings that may meet your scheduling requirements.

Counseling Appointment: (Choose One)
☐ 100662.22 - Tue 8 Oct @ alpha+1
☐ 100665.41 - Wed 9 Oct @ alpha+1
☐ 100675.92 - Thu 10 Oct @ alpha+1
☐ 100681.40 - Fri 11 Oct @ beta+2/3
☐ Other: _________________________

Please reach out to my office to confirm your appointment, or with any further questions you may have. I look forward to a more proper introduction, and to our session.

From the Office of Dr. Bubbles-Upon-Distant-Tide
DS13 Counseling
Dictated But Not Read


To: LCDR Bubbles-Upon-Distant-Tide @Davin
From: CMDR T’Lyn
Subj: Mandatory Psychological Evaluation

Greetings, Lieutenant-Commander.

Tomorrow, on stardate 100665.41(Wed 9 Oct @ alpha+1) should be acceptable.

Commander T’Lyn

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Filed By:
LT Ch’ithalrit, Thryloshasshr

Type of Appointment Requested:

Medical Assessment / Physical @DS13.Medical

If you can provide some parameters regarding your availability, please do so here:

I can be avalible with some flexibility from Alpha shift to Gamma -1 on most days with the appropriate notice.

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To: LT Thryloshasshr Ch’ithalrit (@guttercore )
From: Ms Heidi Reese, RN (CIV)
Subj: RE: Medical Assessment / Physical


We have openings most of the week, from ALPHA + 3 to Gamma -1. Take your pick.

Heidi Reese, RN
Medical Department
Deep Space 13
38th Fleet ‘Argo’

OOC The above times are when I can be available for a thirty minute in game session. We can do this on Discord if you'd prefer.
Filed By:
LT Ch’ithalrit, Thryloshasshr

Type of Appointment Requested:

Psychological Assessment @DS13.Counseling

If you can provide some parameters regarding your availability, please do so here:
I can be avalible with some flexibility from Alpha shift to Gamma -1 on most days with the appropriate notice.

To: LT Ch’ithalrit @guttercore
From: LT R’mori

Subj: Your appointment with Counselor R’mori

Hello Lieutenant,

This one has an appointment slot for you next Wednesday, at beta+2. Please let this one know if you need to reschedule.

Lieutenant R’mori
DS13 Counseling

1 Like
Filed By:
CMDR zh'Vhenda, Kora

Type of Appointment Requested:

Starship Readiness Inspection @DS13.Engineering

If you can provide some parameters regarding your availability, please do so here:

I am available during Beta and Gamma shifts. If need be, I can adjust to the needs of the engineering inspector

Any additional remarks:


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Filed By:
CMDR Sean Riley

Type of Appointment Requested: Baseline Medical Assesment

(copy/paste from first post in Appointment Requests . please do not use this template in any other topic.)

If you can provide some parameters regarding your availability, please do so here: Generally I’m around late GMT but it’s tricky to be too precise I’m afraid (i.e. Alpha/Beta maybe Gamma at a stretch

Any additional remarks:

Filed By:
Ensign Nerusiav tr'Kiell

Type of Appointment Requested:

Psychological Assessment @DS13.Counseling

If you can provide some parameters regarding your availability, please do so here:

Beta-Gamma shift weekdays. Alpha-Beta-Gamma shift weekends. Feel free to msg me on discord @ember16 and I can hash out a more exact timeframe!

Any additional remarks:
Apologies in advance for catty Romulan fail-son.

To: CMDR Riley, Sean (( @NightWatch ))
From: Reese, Heidi, RN (CIV)
Subj: RE: Baseline Medical Assesment

CMDR Riley,
I have an opening tomorrow (Stardate 101026.3) at Beta+0. Is that satisfactory?


Heidi Reese, RN (civilian)
Medical Department
Deep Space 13

1 Like

To: EMS tr’Kiell @ember16
From: LT R’mori

Subj: Your appointment with Counselor R’mori

Hello Ensign,

This one has an appointment slot for you this Friday, at gamma shift. Please let this one know if you need to reschedule.

Lieutenant R’mori
DS13 Counseling

1 Like
Filed By:
CMDR Sean Riley

Type of Appointment Requested: Baseline Psychological Assesment

(copy/paste from first post in Appointment Requests . please do not use this template in any other topic.)

If you can provide some parameters regarding your availability, please do so here: Alpha or Beta shift is probably best for me but I might be able to do early Gamma

Any additional remarks:

Filed By:

Type of Appointment Requested:

Ship Readiness Inspection for USS Hornet @DS13.Engineering

If you can provide some parameters regarding your availability, please do so here:

Beta, Gamma, Delta

Any additional remarks:

I can adjust my schedule to meet with the inspector

To: CMDR Sean Riley ( @NightWatch )
From: LCDR Bubbles-Upon-Distant-Tide

Subj: Baseline Psychological Evaluation

Greetings, Commander.

You have been referred to this office for your baseline psychological evaluation. Please contact this office with your availability and we will schedule your appointment at our earliest convenience.

From the Office of Dr. Bubbles-Upon-Distant-Tide
DS13 Counseling
Dictated But Not Read

1 Like
Filed By:
LTJG K'Sarra

Type of Appointment Requested: Baseline Medical Assessment

If you can provide some parameters regarding your availability, please do so here: I am available from Alpha +1 through Beta +2 most days, with the exceptions of (my) weekends and Wednesdays, in which I can be more flexible (Delta+2 through Zeta, and early Beta) but Alpha shift is booked.

Any additional remarks: None. Requested as per standard reassignment procedure.

To: LTJG K’Sarra (@Rinari7)
CC: ~~
From: CMDR Enys, R.
Subj: RE: Baseline Medical Assessment


I am available to undertake your medical assessment. I am flexible to your needs. How does Alpha +1 on Tuesday 11th February sound to you?

CMDR Raphael Enys, MD
Chief Medical Officer
Deep Space 13

OOC Contact me on discord with the best times for you!