Argo Vision of Starfleet


Star Trek lore is a vast and amazing world of characters, species, capabilities and event timelines and universes. These all make for great entertainment via TV shows, movies and games. It also makes it an amazing place to role-play.

However, the vastness of it all can create for, sometimes, competing visions of what various organizations within the universe are like.

As a consistent and persistent role play community, it is important for all the players that are a part of Argo to have the same general understanding. The information below serves two purposes. It serves to be an initial familiarization of the vision of Starfleet for new applicants. It also serves as a reference tool for existing members to come back to and see how their stories and plots fit into this vision. The below information fits hand in hand with current character and story policies within the fleet. This is the vision, those policies are how we maintain it.


In the known and explored sectors of alpha and beta quadrants, the Federation is more or less the predominant power in terms of political influence and economic strength. Though the Klingon Empire is potentially on par in sheer military force and the Romulan Republic is competitive in technological advancement, neither faction can match the Federation’s more well-rounded infrastructure.

As a result, Starfleet is phenomenally well-supported in terms of resources and staff, making them capable of quick recoveries in times of devastation. Though Federation security can be and periodically is threatened by especially competitive or superior enemies (e.g. Vaadwaur, Voth, Undine, Iconians), these threats tend to be high impact, short duration, and generally storied out by Cryptic and the official STO mission campaigns directly.

When interacting with other factions, Starfleet favors diplomacy while simultaneously staying prepared to use force. Additionally, as a post-scarcity economy, Federation citizens enjoy a nearly utopian quality of life, where every individual is entitled to pursue what interests them and has access to basic material needs (decent living conditions, sufficient food, medical care).



Starfleet may not be solely a military organization, but they do operate under a structure that very closely mirrors a modern, developed government-funded military. This includes a military rank structure with implied hierarchy and chain of command, thoroughly detailed processes and procedures for all manner of administrative and operational requests (read: lots of paperwork), and a sophisticated system for conducting judicial review and executing measures for correctional punishment.



The United Federation of Planets was founded on principles of universal liberty and rights, as well as the Rule of Law, and the vast majority of Starfleet’s officers exhibit an intrinsic respect for these same values. Though the recent frequency of mass galactic conflict may arguably take its toll on a single individual’s morale, Starfleet as an organization remains committed to upstanding moral conduct, even if circumstances contrive to tempt them otherwise.



A significant reason for Starfleet’s sometimes seemingly excessive bureaucratic structure is due to its responsibility to the safety and security of all its personnel, as well as the lives of those who interact with them. This includes planning operations to avoid firefights when possible, stun settings being the default on weaponry, and not allowing mentally disturbed and/or impulsively irresponsible officers to stay in command. While accidents can and do happen, especially when working with experimental scientific or engineering advancements, they are always carefully scrutinized so improvements to safety procedures can be made for future endeavors.