Fleet Briefing - 1st September 2423

Filed By:
RADM Bishop, S.

BRIEFING This serves as a summary of the Open Office that was held.

Current Threats

The current threats in the region seem to be overwhelmingly from factions and Houses of the Romulan and Klingon Empires who are still attempting to turn their recent conflicts into an advantage. These factions are to be taken down and any prisoners turned over to the Romulan Republic and Klingon Empires.

There is also a large increase in piracy in the region; all ships are to engage and dismantle any cells and rings they come across.

Exploration in former Azedi areas

Former Confederacy territories in the Kelterre, Doza, Itrin, and Alpha 7190 Sectors are open for exploration. Captains are expected to act diplomatically in these regions and direct specific questions to the Diplomatic Corps. Captains are instructed to provide a good image of Starfleet in these areas and repair damaged relations.

An updated and declassified intelligence packet will be circulated soon to all personnel.

Sector-Wide Occurrences

There are a number of sector-wide occurrences that all personnel should be aware of;

  • An influx of refugees in the Risa and Aldebaran sectors.
  • Long-range sensors picked up a comet travelling through the region.
  • A plague has been reported affecting Klingons in the Ba’aja sector.

Fleet Showcase

Please contact Captain Morton for more information.

OOC Summary of the Office Hours that was held by the Admiral (transcript). All RP hooks provided here are free for anyone to take and use as wanted. All missions can be found here.