Followup on KCW

To: RADM Quint, E. (@Quint)
CC: RDML Bishop, S. (@Sam)
From: LCDR Valore
Subj: Followup on KCW


It has come to our attention, as of the latest report on the ongoing civil war, that a House D’Ewos is seeking a facilitation of diplomacy to assist in resolving the civil war. Whatever their intentions may be, this is an opportune path to exercise soft power in bringing the conflict to a swifter conclusion.

If nothing else, I strongly encourage that we follow up on this lead. We can exercise a degree of influence, facilitate the termination of hostilities, and preserve our reputation as a neutral third party. It is something that a fleet of battleships cannot achieve. I am at your disposal if need be.

Lieutenant Commander Valore
Office of the Admiralty

//ATTACHMENT// AAR: Cleanup on aisle...


To: DS13/Intelligence
BCC: RADM Quint, E
From: RDML Bishop, S
Subj: Intelligence on House D’Ewos

I require some intelligence on the House D’Ewos, in the Klingon Empire. From reports, it seems that the house is willing to engage in diplomacy, but if this house has very little in the way of influence, talking to them is not worth the time and effort of our involvement.

Please let me know your results in a swift manner.


Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Samuel Bishop, PhD
Executive Officer, 38th Fleet ‘Argo’

To: RDML Bishop
From: LT Worth
Subj: Re: Intelligence on House D’Ewos

Greetings, Admiral.

Attached is what we have gathered in terms of House D’Ewos. In a word, they are most likely what they seem and are unlikely to be negotiating in bad faith. But D’Ewos is one of the smallest of the Great Houses, if reputable. Prior to the tumultuous events of these past couple of weeks, we would have considered them a non-entity. With the recent changes, though, it is hard to say.

LT Worth
Research Desk
DS13 Intelligence


Ruler: Radaq
House bloc: Progressive (borderline extreme)

One of the smallest of the Great Houses, warriors of the House D’Ewos follow strongly in the military tradition. They boast of an unusual metric however; their House has contributed the greatest number of Federation Officer Exchange participants. Though some of their officers treat this as a necessary evil and a moment to learn more about a vaunted enemy, the majority return to their Klingon posts with an increased respect for Starfleet’s philosophy of leadership through strength and wisdom, rather than brute force.

Such a philosophy has earned D’Ewos a not insignificant amount of disdain from the other Houses; however, the fierce loyalty and sheer competency of their warriors has been unquestionable. With the onset of the Klingon Civil War, the opportunity exists for D’Ewos to spread their philosophy of Federation-influenced leadership and to finally usher the Klingons into a more enlightened age.

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To: DS13/Consulate
BCC: RADM Quint, E
From: RDML Bishop, S
Subj: FWD: Potential avenue of diplomacy regarding Klingon Civil War

It seems as though we have a potential route to establish talks with one of the Klingon houses. I’ve attached an AAR regarding the house in question.

Do let me know if this is something you’d like to follow up on and we can assign people on our end to help.


Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Samuel Bishop, PhD
Executive Officer, 38th Fleet ‘Argo’

//ATTACHMENT// khitomerincident.aar

To: RDML Bishop @Sam
CC: RADM Quint
From: Ambassador Perim
Subj: RE: FWD: […] diplomacy regarding Klingon Civil War


We need to be careful about the appearance of conducting negotiations with specific houses. If I were to travel to meet with House D’Ewos alone, it would be an elevation of their status in fact or appearance.

That said, if there’s anything we can do to help the Empire reach a peaceful conclusion without taking sides, it’s definitely worth pursuing. My recommendation would be for Starfleet to inform D’Ewos that the Federation would be willing to provide a neutral location for peace conferences, and that I would gladly attend as a representative of the President to observe and mediate if requested.



To: LCDR Valore, S (@Valore)
BCC: RADM Quint, E
From: RDML Bishop, S
Subj: RE: Followup on KCW

Please reach out to the leader of House D’Ewos and ascertain whether they are willing to negotiate and to what end.


Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Samuel Bishop, PhD
Executive Officer, 38th Fleet ‘Argo’

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To: RDML Bishop, S. (@Sam)
CC: RADM Quint, E.
From: LCDR Valore
Subj: RE: Followup on KCW


I reached out to House D’Ewos. At the present moment, they appear to be focused on keeping present agreements and negotiations with other houses intact with the chaos of the civil war. Based on the conversation, I suspect that they know as much as we do with regards to what the course of action is in our potential operative area of Klingon space.

Though they are uncertain as to how to get the other houses to the table, it is clear that the best way to go about this is to have a diplomatic forum somewhere outside of Klingon space. Any negotiations that occur, I suggest occur there under the premise of neutrality.

I have already arranged for security and medical officers to be present to keep the peace if need be.

Lieutenant Commander Valore
Office of the Admiralty