January 26th | Shadows of Vesuvi

Following the destruction of the Vesuvi star system, a Starfleet science vessel sent to research the stellar debris goes missing. In lieu of the Mariner being in port for a full systems repair and refit, the newly repaired Dauntless is temporarily reassigned to the 38th Fleet and dispatched to investigate.

Shift Time: Beta Shift (+2.5, 6:30 PM EST)

Audience: New and previous attendees of the Cardassian arc events, Aries Squadron captains and officers, diplomats.

RESERVED - 7 out of 12 slots available.

RP Format: GM

Setting: U.S.S. Dauntless

Starting Point: U.S.S. Dauntless

OOCThis event is the tenth episode of the fleet-wide arc for Argo between official expansions. Cardassian Union characters, Admirals, Captains, ship senior officers, and the Deep Space 13 Diplomatic Corps. are heavily encouraged to participate. If you haven’t attended any of these events prior to now, this will feature recaps to help bring you up to speed.


(( Whether I can make this or not depends on how tired I am by that time! I’ll try to let you know in advance closer to the time ))

We got the COVIDs up in here. I feel like poop so I’m not going to be of much use tonight. I’m going to bail and let someone else have my spot. Just say Ansha is still in recovery

Might be a bit late. In traffic atm.