To: RDML Bishop, S. (@Sam) CC: 38th.Command From: CAPT Varley, L. Subj: Kincardine Search and Rescue Effort
Admiral Bishop,
From what I’ve heard, the search for the downed runabout we lost has gone so far unsuccessfully. I’m requesting that the Asimov be included in the search, her sensors might be of some use. At the very least, the crew will rest a little better knowing we’re doing something.
With your permission, I’ll have the Asimov prepped and crewed to join the effort.
Captain Lauren Varley
Commanding Officer, Deep Space 13
38th Fleet ‘Argo’
To: CAPT Varley, L. (@Lauren) CC:RDML Bishop, S. (@Sam) From: CAPT Holmes, A. Subj: RE: Kincardine Search and Rescue Effort
Many thanks, Captain, we’ll be glad for the assistance. I’m attaching our current search patterns and directives to this message. As the Asimov has one of the most advanced sensor arrays of our ships, you’ll have the best chance of penetrating the Betreka Nebula, so focus your efforts there.
Link in with the communications from the Mariner, once they’ve verified the end of the transponder signal trails, we will have a much better idea of where we can focus our efforts, but at the moment, we have the entire length of our search corridor to verify.