Quarantine Directive - A-7190 G3

To: @38th.All
CC: @38th.Command
From: RADM Bishop, S.
Subj: Quarantine Directive - A-7190 G3


Effective immediately, as of Stardate 100856.9, the planet A-7190 G3 IV within the A-7190 G3 system is placed under strict quarantine by order of Starfleet Command. No personnel are to approach or enter the vicinity of this planet unless directly authorised by Starfleet Command.

Captain Tolar (@ElvenLord), you are hereby ordered to initiate quarantine protocols to prevent any unauthorised access to the planet. Patrol patterns will be adapted to ensure comprehensive coverage of this sector.

Under this directive, Commanding Officers have the authority to neutralise any vessel that has violated quarantine parameters. In cases where there is reasonable suspicion of infection aboard, and no other recourse is available, lethal measures are sanctioned to contain potential biohazards.

Refer to the database and latest After-Action Reports (AAR) for further details. Direct any queries to the Office of the Admiralty.

Rear Admiral (Upper Half) Samuel Bishop, PhD
Executive Officer, 38th Fleet ‘Argo’


OOC GM for this is @Serris