RRF File: Tri'Vokil Free State

Tri’Vokil Free State



The Tri’Vokil Free State is a nominally independent state that formed in the wake of the Hobus Catastrophe. Vast industrial and agricultural infrastructure on the planet allowed the world to maintain a degree of independence from the new Romulan Star Empire capital of Rator. That being said, until very recently, Rator has had an oversized influence on the world. Recent civilian unrest, however, has started to change that. And indeed, the recent request of Tri’Vokil to Starfleet and the RRF indicate it wishes to pursue another path.


Tri’Vokil is located in the Rator Sector. The closet Federation installation to it is Starbase 23. Do its proximity to Rator, the current capital of the Romulan Star Empire, the Star Empire is able to exert significant influence on the world. Directly beside the system is a sizable nebula known as the Valdore Nebula. This nebula was the site of a massive engagement between Vulcan and Star Empire forces during the Earth-Romulan War. Beyond that, little is known about the nebula. Its composition is known to impact sensors within the Tri’Vokil system.


Tri’Vokil consists of five planets along with a massive asteroid field at the very outer edges of the system. Beyond the asteroid field lies the Valdore Nebula. For ease of access with Alliance partners, information provided utilized the UFP method of planetary classification.

Tri’Vokil I
Planet Type: Class D
Inhabitants: None
Description: An uninhabited world close to the main Tri’Vokil star. The planet lacks any resources. Only the occasional survey teams venture to this world.

Tri’Vokil II “Tri’Vokil”
Planet Type: Class M
Inhabitants: 650,000,000 Romulans
50,000,000 Remans
Description: The main world to which the system owes its name. Tri’Vokil was formerly a semi-arid world that was terraformed in the beginning of the 22nd Century. The planet is rich in mineral wealth and also boasts soil suitable for agriculture. Terraforming satellites regulate the extreme heat which used to plague the planet prior to its colonization.

Tri’Vokil III
Planet Type: Class J
Inhabitants: None
Description: A large gas-giant which boasts many moons. There is little of material worth in or around this planet.

Tri’Vokil IV
Planet Type: Class T
Inhabitants: None
Description: A gas giant whose atomosphere contains compunds the Tri’Vokil sometimes harvests. Beyond that, there is literal material worth on this world.

Tri’Vokil V:
Planet Type: Class L
Inhabitants: 50,000 Romulans
Description: Marginally habitable, this world boasts many mineral deposits useful for Starship construction. A large mining town exists around the equator, the only relatively habital region on the planet.

Tri’Vokil Outer Belt
Planet Type: Asteroid Belt
Inhabitants: 20,000 Romulans
10,000 Remans
Description: This belt houses a relatively large population thanks to the numerous mining stations and civilian stations within it. Many of the asteroids boast dilithium deposits, something which has allowed the Free State to remain independent.


Tri’Vokil follows the old Star Empire model of government, and is ruled by a Praetor. However, in light of its requested support of Starfleet and the RRF, the world is beginning to make transitions into a democracy. The United Assembly of Tri’Vokil, a group consisting of various labor unions, civilian organizations, and local planetary businesspeople, is slowly taking the reins of power.

The leader of the United Assembly of Tri’Vokil is presently Speaker Brilia.

The current Praetor is Viriton.


Tri’Vokil, thanks to its resources, has until recently boasted an impressive retinue of vessels. These vessels were powerful enough to prevent Tri’Vokil from being fully swallowed up by the Star Empire. That in mind, about half of its vessels went busy recently. The information below accounts for all their assets. Vessels reported missing are marked in red.

4 D’deridex Warbirds 2 MISSING IN ACTION
10 Mogai Warbirds 6 MISSING IN ACTION
22 T’Varo Warbirds 12 MISSING IN ACTION

All warbirds accounted for have sworn renewed oaths of allegiance to Tri’Vokil. As well, the RRF and Starfleet have been training these crews in light of Tri’Vokil’s requested assistance from the two polities.


Various records, some of which are highly questionable due to their age, indicate that Tri’Vokil was colonized roughly fifty years after Romulus was founded by the Vulcan Exiles. The world never achieved prominence at the time due to the arid conditions on much of the planet.

That changed in the beginning of the 22nd Century when Romulan terraforming technology became much more viable. This, coupled with the discovery or rich mineral deposits in the system, helped the world achieve explosive growth. It quickly became an important center for starship construction.

The Earth-Romulan War took a center stage in this system as well, with a large battle occuring between the then Coalition of Planets and the Star Empire near the Valdore nebula. After the conflict ended, Tri’Vokil continued to grow.

The world gradually became more important to the Romulan Star Empire War Machine. The Dominion War saw its highest amount of output, despite it being the target of attacks by Dominion forces. The world prospered until Hobus. It was then that the world sealed its borders, using its large flotilla as a means of defending itself during the decades of chaos.

Information afterwards was scarce, though Intelligence recordsi ndicate the world experienced some civil upheaval during the Revolution of 2409. It was believed Tri’Vokil requested support form the Star Empire at this time, a decision which likely accounts for the Star Empire’s interest in annexing the world. The upheavel was crushed brutally. And the world did not reestablished contact with the Federation or Republic until a few months ago.


The Star Empire has showed an interest in annexing the system. Already, it has committed numerous attacks against the star system. In response, Tri’Vokil has formally requested assistance from Starfleet and the RRF. The situation here is expected to change as the weeks proceed. However, it is readily apparent the star system will be the fulcrum for a major engagement against the Star Empire in due time.