RRF: Operation Unbroken



Recently acquired information from the 11th Expeditionary Flotilla, imbedded agents on Rator III, and our allies in Starfleet have exposed critically weaknesses in the Romulan Star Empire’s strategic situation. Additionally, Starfleet’s decision to directly attack the Rator III regime near its capital has forced the enemy to redeploy its forces outside the Chaltok sector.

Furthermore, Rator III Forces are expected to continue committing forces to Chaltok. In doing so, they have critically exposed the Gasko, Aith’ndor, and T’iokol systems. The Romulan Republican Force will exploit this weakness, temporarily secure these systems, and surround the invading force at Chaltok.

Admiral Kererek promises the defenders of Chaltok will receive help the likes of which they never believed possible.

Deployment Phase

Deployment will require skillful acumen on the part of senior Commanders. Further, it will require the use of interstellar phenomena (B’Tran Cluster and Afehirr Nebula) to accomplish our objectives.

Fewer forces are required for the defense of Chaltok thanks to allied activities with Operation Guillotine. The 2nd Flotilla, and 23rd Flotilla are to prepare for clanedestine redeployment. The 2nd Flotilla will move to the B’Tran cluster under cloak. The 23rd Flotilla will move to the Afehirr Nebula. Further, support from the Azure Sector, in the form of the 5th Flotilla, will be deployed to the Aith’ndor system.

In response, the enemy is expected to make a sustained push to Chaltok. The remaining 18th Flotilla and 11th Expeditionary flotillas are instructed to hold the line and ensure the successful redeployment of the aforementioned flotillas.


When word reaches Command that the enemy has reached Chaltok, the 11th Expeditionary Flotilla, 2nd Flotilla, and 23rd Flotilla will emerge from their new positions. The 2nd Flotilla will attack the T’iokol system. Once warships in the system are dealt with, they will immediately push onwards to Chaltok and attack the invading forces from the rear.

The 23rd Flotilla will do much the same. They will emerge from the Afehirr nebula, attack, the Gasko system, then push straight for the Chaltok system.

The redeployed 5th Flotilla will emerge from the Dera system and attack the Aithn’dor system.

These actions will leave the invading Rator III forces near Chaltok surrounded. Senior Commanders are instructed to offer terms of surrender to the surrounding force. If refusal or no response is given, authorization is given to destroy the enemy.