Starfleet CIR: Romulan War Fleet Movements






At present, Starfleet has committed five full fleets and elements of an additional two to the war effort. Operation Guillotine was generally successful, and the Federation has since maintained a cautiously offensive posture. Current deployment as follows:

  • 2nd Fleet - Engaged in combat at Argelius/Rator Sector Border
  • 4th Fleet - Blockading Vendor/Agrama Sector Border
  • 5th Fleet - Engaged in combat at Argelius/Rator Sector Border
  • 9th Fleet - Engaged in combat at Tri’Vokil
  • 42nd Fleet - Engaged in combat at Tri’Vokil
  • Elements of 27th Fleet - Defensive formation at Cero
  • Elements of 38th Fleet - Occupying Cero, Sarita, Fvillhaih

Starfleet Intelligence has broadly divided the war effort into three fronts:

Northern Front Starfleet now occupies a stretch of space extending from Cero to the RSE boundary in the Lirss Sector. Starfleet Intelligence asserts that this positioning has will effectively eliminate war effort contributions from RSE assets in the Hobus, Dimorus, and Lirss Sectors. Counter-attack from Delta Corvi or Dimorus is exceedingly unlikely and these systems may safely be considered low-priority targets.

Central Front While Starfleet forces have been unable to reenter the Rator System, the Star Empire has been forced to maintain a significant force commitment to defend their capital. Starfleet Tactical Command is reporting RSE losses in excess of 3:1 in combat with the 2nd and 5th Fleets. The 4th Fleet’s blockade has extended into the Agrama Sector.

Southern Front Tri’Vokil itself has been largely secured and reinforced, though Starfleet and RRF forces in the area have been unable to make further progress towards Hfihar due to ongoing RSE reinforcement from Cirini Prime. Starfleet Intelligence expects that the RSE will be unable to sustain its current level of reinforcement to this front for more than 1-2 weeks.

Romulan Republic

While still losing ground, the RRF has managed to slow the Star Empire’s advance from Beta Reticuli. Given a major victory at Chaltok, Starfleet intelligence believes the RRF will be able to solidity its southern position and begin pushing back into Agrama and Noro within a matter of weeks.

Key location details as follows:

Southern Front The 9th and 17th Flotillas are committed to combat along with Starfleet forces in defense of Tri’Vokil, while the 4th Expeditionary Flotilla maintains security for Jouret and the Azure Sector border. The 3rd Flotilla remains in defensive formation at New Romulus.

Central Front Beta Reticuli, Sienae, and Terrh remain occupied by the RSE. The 14th and 19th Flotillas are defending against an active assault of the Haakona System. Starfleet Intelligence believes these flotillas will only be sufficient to withstand the current level of attack. If the RSE commits additional forces from Agrama or Cirini Prime, Haakona is likely to fall. It is therefore critical for Starfleet to maintain current posture in these areas. The 8th Flotilla remains engaged with an RSE offensive fleet in the Noro Sector. Though some ground has been lost, this battle is preventing reinforcements from reaching Chaltok via the direct route. The remains of the 21st Flotilla are in defensive formation at Khaiell, while the 7th Expeditionary and 12th Flotillas are stationed at Brea to prevent encroachment on the Mylassa pass.

Eastern Front The RRF counter-attack, “Operation Unbroken”, was extremely successful. While the Republic’s core worlds were briefly exposed, the RSE was unable to capitalize on the vulnerability. The operation allowed for a major victory at Chaltok, resulting in the surrender of local RSE forces to the 11th Expeditionary and 18th Flotillas. The RRF has successfully occupied Gasko and Aith’ndor. Pictae and Nopada are expected to capitulate to the 6th Expeditionary and 23rd Flotillas respectively within the week. The bulk of the RSE forces in the area are engaged by the 2nd Flotilla at T’iokol. With the loss of resupply from Fvillhaih, Starfleet Intelligence expects the RRF to have little difficulty pushing the Empire from the Iconia and Vorn Sectors.

STARDATE 100475.1

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