Rumor has it that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is being re-released on the latest LCARS operating system for sixty slips of gold-pressed latinum.
Rumour has it that Brie has started a blog on the different establishments on DS13. The Nole Farmer’s Market did not get a good review as it “had days old fruit that was rotting in your hands”. It was rated a “Do not go”
In other news, Brie is totally bored…
Rumour has it that Lieutenant Loxton went on a shopping spree in Coat of Conduct and left with several bags and a satisfied smile on his face. Possibly updating his rather dire wardrobe for the upcoming Risa leave?
Rumor has it that DS13’s chief engineer has scheduled a meeting with about a dozen senior engineers from the R&D division. The subject of the meeting is supposedly “BRAINSTORM: COUNTERMEASURES AGAINST GODS AND GODLIKE ENTITIES”. Some of the people invited to this meeting are reported to have some misgivings.
Rumor has it that a particularly chaotic meeting of senior engineers took place in a DS13 conference room this morning, which some attendees went so far as to call “unhinged” and “insane”. As word of this meeting’s subject matter began to spread beyond the station’s engineering levels, an image capture of the conference room wall screen (taken by someone from the next scheduled group) was posted to a subnet relay room and began to spread virally from there. It’s probably only a matter of time before it leaks to the public.
thinker+smith: (1219) I found this on the wall in conf room 44 wtf :joy:
Rumor has it that the conference room wall screen has changed…
thinker+smith: (1102) well I didn't think it could get weirder but somehow it did
Rumor has it, that since meeting a certain Romulan Captain and drinking Kali-fal, Ven has been seen in her off duty hours, carrying a PADD around, mumbling Romulan phrases under her breath as if she’s studying…
Rumour has it that Amy was seen running through the halls of the Endeavour yelling “Forza Italia” before the ship went to red alert.
Rumour also has it that Admiral Bishop was in a foul mood. Whether that’s because of the evolving Mokai situation or something else, is unknown.
Rumor has it that after the chief engineer threatened to cancel shore leave to Risa for all members of the R&D division if a prototype wasn’t ready in time, the design team finally buckled down and got serious about solving the problem.
thinker+smith: (1117) I guess things are back to normal now...
Rumor has it someone has placed a small Italian flag and corresponding flag stand on Admiral Bishop’s desk.
Rumor has it that Captain Tungsten has been seen pushing small piles of tiny dark rocks from his quarters into the hallway with a broom.
Rumour has it that a new music trend is spreading throughout the fleet, called Dubspace.
Word is spreading through the DS13 engineering department that if you need something from the chief engineer, now is not a good time to ask.
Rumour has it that CPT Valencia has been allowed to go early to Risa. People are saying it may be related to the constant amount of Italian themed items being delivered to the Fleet XO’s office on a daily basis.
Word from the flight deck is Petty Officer Brohm is always looking for spare holodeck hours, but lately she’s been using even more than usual- practicing her powerboarding skills in preparation for Risa.
Rumour has it that there is a wild party on Risa for Gabriella’s birthday…
Rumor has it a certain new Ensign acquired a hoverboard overnight. Cheers of joy have been reported throughout the sleeping quarters into the early morning hours.
Rumour has it that some naive, trusting and credulous soul in Risan Customs allowed Captain Ceefax to import a crate of homemade fireworks, which she has received clearance to set off for a display.
Rumour has it that Captain Mirazuni has been spotted a few times with a unknown Romulan male on Risa…
Rumor has it that Lieutenant Commander Mah’ren was spotted replicating several subspace field generator components at one of the bulk replicators, and transporting them to her lab.