Rumor has it... (IC)


A certain colorful mini-Klingon who’s new to the fleet was swimming at the Risa resort when she learned three important lessons: one is why knots are important on some garments and the second is that one piece bathing suits are much less fuss.
The third is that the run from the water to the changing rooms is a lot farther when you are mortified.


Rumor has it, that Captain Vel spent the last three hours on comms with Starfleet Internal Affairs on why she ordered 10 bars of Gold Pressed Latinum to be given to a Gorn while on Risa. Apparently the explanation of “Because he tackled a Ferengi so we didn’t have to” was not acceptable.


Rumor has it that a rental powerboard was returned to the Risian vendor at the resort, only for it a hour later to fly off on its own, striking a Pakled before becoming embedded in the sand and spontaneously combusting. The vendor was heard cursing afterwards, complaining about a “lousy Ferengi supplier”.


Rumor has it that Evette LaSalle, the very outgoing first officer on USS Dragon, has been spotted on Risa a lot in the company of a very pretty if “punk-rock” looking civilian Vulcan woman, being cutely affectionate. Both of them seem very happy, especially considering that one of them is Vulcan. Rumors also speculate that the Vulcan woman is the drummer in a modestly popular Rock cover-band that occasionally tours around Federation space.


Commander LaSalle has been spotted on the Dragon carrying an old and weathered bottle with some paper in it to one of the science labs.


Rumor has it that the Federation Council filing a formal diplomatic protest in the wake of the Betreka Nebula skirmish has caused some significant political turmoil on Cardassia Prime.


Rumor has it, that LCDR zh’Vhenda has “procured” a bottle of Romulan Ale after the boarding of the disabled T’varo class. Though suspicious, Captain Vel has not directly asked her about it…yet.


Rumor has it that Lieutenant Wind-People met a very charming couple on Risa that said they were looking for unicorns.


Rumor has it that Commander LaSalle was spotted on Friday with electric blue hair before taking one of the Dragon’s shuttles to another starbase for a Halloween party. She looks her usual unnatural shade of gray with red highlights mostly hidden with her hair in a bun as of her return.


Rumor has it that Commander LaSalle was found to be seemingly arguing with herself in front of a Klingon restaurant on the station, very distressed at the idea of trying gagh, during Captain Vel’s Zhian’tara. Peace seemed to have been declared, and a trip made to the nearest ice cream shop for a very fancy looking sundae.


Rumor has it, Commander LaSalle was spotted on a date in The Ember Parlor with a mysterious woman with tomato-red skin with markings and red hair last night, and in Event Horizon later. As the USS Dragon departed in the morning, a Delta-Class shuttle left from it in another direction.

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Rumor has it that one of the station’s secondary schools has cultivated a new way of showing their holiday spirit: a portion of their school choir has been leading door to door holiday caroling sessions around the station and, when they can get away with it, various starships docked with.


Rumour has it, Captain Meadows has not been seen outside of her quarters all morning.


Rumor has it that some of the young carolers have broken off from the first group. Led by a half-Romulan student, they’re singing different versions of the songs. Selections include: “Rudolph The Red-Nosed Ihlan,” “Thalaron Night,” “Warbirds We Have Heard On High,” “Swifty The Snowman,” and “O Little Town Of DS13.”


Rumor has it that Gorn criminal, Sassillach, will once again read “The Night Before Christmas” as part of his Public Service debt.


Rumor has it that a shuttle docked and discharged a fresh-faced cadet who then proceeded to wander about the station looking for her quarters. It is unclear whether she was too nervous or too proud to ask for directions, but passersby observed her wandering about into the wee hours of the night.


Rumour has it Admiral Bishop has been seen a lot more frequently around Event Horizon recently…


Rumor has is Cadet Haro was seen sprinting towards Medical carrying a box with legs sprouting out of it with Captain Nimitz clearing the way.


Rumour has it, upon returning to Deep Space 13, Lieutenant Junior Grade Alex Niraj has not shown at her duty station once, nor has she been seen to have left her quarters.


Rumor has it that the Deep Space 13 engineering crews had to rig up a graviton generator in the infirmary and reinforce structural integrity on that entire deck. Mysteriously, part of the surgical bay is now inaccessible for over a third of the day.

Rumor would also have it that the Mariner is in for an extended maintenance overhaul three months ahead of schedule because of extensive internal damage from its last mission.