Rumor has it... (IC)

Transcript from Klingon News Sources:

In other news, The Honorable Matron, Mistress of the House of Terrath was laid to rest today, after performing Hegh’bat, she was surrounded by family and friends after celebrating the life of her recently deceased youngest son in the wake of a hunting accident. House Patriarch and Great Councilmen Th’roc, son of Terrath (The honorable Councilman who died in battle during the Iconian Raid in 2413) had this to say.

“The passing of our Matron is regrettable, but a house is only as strong as its weakest link. In her age and declining heath, she chose to maintain her honor and go out on her own terms. We come together as a family stronger than ever in her passing.”

Matron was Mother of Councilmen Terrath, and Grandmother to Councilman Th’roc. She was 110 years old.

(Events Follwing: {ZP} Troubles and Tribulations [Complete] - #7 by Maikull)


Rumour has it, Petty Officer Chell Brohm is looking for an interested crewmate or two to start a racing team.

At least, we’re assuming that’s why she keeps hanging around the flight deck in a stripey jumpsuit.


Rumor has it that a Blue Alert had been declared in Hydroponics Bay 7 when it was observed that several potatoes that were being grown had sprouted and had begun to seemingly move around the bay, as if looking for a means of escape.

A decontamination team is rumored to have been assembled, allegedly equipped with fire accelerant equipment.


Rumor has it that Na’Toth occasionally sneaks aboard other ships to sample the coffee the replicators make.


Rumour has it that replicator usage aboard USS Vincennes has been abnormally high lately, but none of the crew has admitted to ordering extra coffee.


Rumor has it that the entire upper chain of command for the fleet are actually all robots. All being controlled by Valore and Duo.

Following Operation Roadblock and the loss of 14 fleet ships, a memorial wall has sprung up on DS13 as the galaxy waits for news of the Terran assault on the Sol System.
No one knows, exactly, who started it... but start it did. In a corridor that branched off the station's main operations, the first holographic candles began to appear. Accompanying them were photographs of the fallen, casualties of "The Other's" terrible strength.

The display, trifling as it seems, brings some modicum of solace to some of those who saw it. Where others might move on to hold their shock and grief in private, others begin to leave their own small tributes. And so the memorial wall begins to grow.

OOC Head over to #lobby-ooc in discord and react with :door: on the memorial-wall scene to visit, contribute, or just RP nearby. This will remain available until around alpha shift on 3/27.


Rumor has it that on New Romulus in the command center, lunch breaks are filled with officers gathering together and sewing banners for the honored dead.


Rumor has it, in her final hours before destruction, Captain Barron authorized any officer aboard the USS Alexander who wished to leave, clemency to flee to safety aboard one of the ships Runabouts. Only one shuttle was registered departing with less than half occupancy.

The few-dozen survivors from D’Ishae have taken up most of shuttlebay four, and have turned their shuttles and fighter berths into makeshift quarters. Anyone passing nearby will no doubt hear the sounds of the Romulans grieving; their anger, their sorrow, and now and then a song.


While on the USS Argama for a diplomatic mission to the Shinari homeworld, Drake is spending most of his time since hearing news of his ship and crew in Serah’s quarters aside from his duties on said mission, even when she’s on-duty, listening to a song on repeat. People are wondering if he’s slept at all looking at his face, but he performs his duties on the mission anyway.

R.R.W. D'Ishae, Bridge

“…I swear if this is the afterlife I’m gonna-”
“We’re not dead.”
“Oh. Well. That’s good.”
“And we have October, Atlantis, Scharnhorst, and Cod on sensors.”
“…Are you sure we’re not-”
“Hm. Guess we won, then. Alright, let’s regroup and head back home.”


Rumor has it that following Crewman Jexiril’s recent transfer back to DS13 Security, nine separate crewmen “fell ill” and left their shifts early after being assigned to work with him.


Rumor has it that Counselor Sedai has been seeing the xeno-veterinarian a fair amount as of late.


Captain Rebecca Meadows was seen lurking at the bar on DS13 around the time of the conference with the Cardassians, but nobody came to fill her in on the gossip.


Counselors Sedai and Caissa were seen taking a night out at the Ember Parlor. Any witnesses noted that though they both seemed to enjoy themselves, there was a hint of melancholy in their conversation.


Rumor has it that the counseling department’s surprise party was a truly high-spirited affair. Though the event certainly didn’t lack in tears, party events (they may or may not have had a lot of Drawful available) and personnel alike were both aligned and intent on doing their best to wish their former department head well on her new venture.

Vanilla or Bust, of course, catered the dessert bar.


Rumor has it Cadet Aetah failed her semester at Starfleet Academy.


Rumor has it that Vice Admiral Minari Ashkeph, commander of the 38th Fleet 2415-2416, notorious for somewhat spectacularly violating the prime directive and going AWOL, has finally been apprehended and is now in custody aboard Deep Space 13.

C’mon, did you really think this wasn’t going to leak?

Rumor has it that Ambassador Perim was spotted walking her dog into the station’s sickbay three separate times in the past day or so. The canine apparently seemed overjoyed to be there each time.


Rumour has it that a certain ex-MACO has been spotted at Risa…