Rumor has it... (IC)

Station scuttlebutt has it that Captain Tanis, commander of Aegis Squadron, was called to Commodore Ashworth's office recently. Unconfirmed reports are that, after a few minutes, shouting could be heard from within. A short time later, Captain Tanis was observed angrily heading towards his ship, the U.S.S. Dan Daly, which then abruptly departed Outpost Argo for destinations unknown.
While the events surrounding subspace anomalies and recent Elachi sightings and encounters around New Romulus raises many concerns, official reports are scarce. As Commander Faerith had been pulled from TF Argo to assist in an experiment on New Romulus, she, her vessel, and her crew have since disappeared. There have been reports that her Scimitar-class Warbird was sighted in the vicinity of the recent subspace anomalies, however pieces of the vessel have been discovered among the debris field from the skirmish, leading some to believe that the ship and all hands were lost. The Commander is considered missing in action until proof of otherwise.
Rumor has it that Captain Dewey was getting recertified in a Type 8 Shuttle (which is a yearly requirement for all Starfleet personnel who wish to maintain flight status) when he backed the Shuttle into one of the walls of the Shuttle Bay aboard the Gladiator. Petty Officer Michone said that she saw the PADD where Lt.Cmdr Kor’at (Gladiator’s Chief Helmsman) signed off on the Captain’s recertification anyways.
Rumour has it that after Commander Faerith was recovered, Captain Thomson spent several hours going over data from the unknown ship he recovered in order to avenge his friend upon her captors.

Strangely, Lieutenant Commander Coranno appeared to agree with him.

This, of course, has nothing to do with the other rumour that Captain Thomson and Lieutenant Commander Coranno are dating.
Rumor has it that I'shari S'rrel, morale officer, energetically trapped Razor in a bear hug on Ops. Apparently the glib captain was left speechless.
Rumour has it that gremlins have taken over certain sections of the station after Engineering Captain Altais was heard harshly speaking in another language after a maintenance run.

The existence gremlins has been yet proven.
*The replicator where most people stop by to idly chat and share in the gossip has a paper sign hanging from it with a hand-written message on it....*

This Replicator is
Currently Down Due to
Unexpected Maintenance
Issues. -Management
Someone walking by the promenade mentioned that the normal replicator for.... as the little administrator alien says it "wasting as much as 3.2 hours or work per 10 people a day just talking about nothing of significance" is functioning properly again. Much to the disappointment of the little administrator.
Commander Faerith has, as of late, been spending more and more time aboard the odd carrier, christened Reconciliation, she had been recovered in. Continued observation would indicate little to no sleep, as she's usually seen working on various ship systems.
Rumor has it that a malfunction in the Argo Station's life support system, releasing very dangerous airborne pheromones and hormones highly susceptible to most humanoid females, a rampant case of women confused about their body image has arisen. Leaving many awkward personnel being asked the question, "Does my Butt look bigger to you?"
"Another one? What's with these crazy ... 'Shoes For Luna' flyers? We're not anywhere near Sol, why are these even relevant here?"

"No idea. Lieutenant Jal'Shan's been putting them up though. He just about covered the entire ops breakroom replicator with them, for some reason."

"... Weird."

"OH, but you know, there was something... I was there when he was posting them up and Lieutenant Sedai came in, to ask him about something. And when she saw what he was posting up, her eyes totally bugged out a little and she immediately asked where Jal'Shan got them."

"What'd he say?"

"I was too far away to hear, but he showed her his stack of flyers and then pointed towards the personnel mail room. She ended up walking in and coming out with her own package and the most peculiar look on her face, like she didn't know whether to laugh or cry."

"The counselor? Really??"

"Yup. You know, I heard she grew up on Luna, and not Betazed."

"Oh, well, that makes sense then! Obviously she didn't have shoes while growing up, so now she's getting all emotional at the thought that other kids won't have to go through what she did!"



In other ... er, news: Lieutenant Sedai has been sighted carrying an innocuous-looking blue folder, in addition to her usual PADD, to all her usual haunts.
At 9:47 pm on stardate ((11/21/13)) on the Outpost, Ellia was seen being stopped by a Reman male that handed her a PADD. It is unknown what was on the PADD, but whatever it was, Ellia was startled enough to head off into the Operation Center, and used a console to leave a message for a few Officers. An ensign found the messages and decided to send them to their rightful owners.

Spoiler: To Captain Coby MortonShow
"I can't tell you why, but I need all the information you have on any Romulan ships that entered and exited the system and their travel routes. Send them to a private channel on scrambler frequency 1478. Also, don't tell anyone about this, not even command." -Ellia Corrano.
Spoiler: To Captain Robert ThomsonShow
"I hope I don't ask too much, but I need you to take a ship that is unmarked by Starfleet and assist me and my friend to find someone. It is most important that you don't tell anyone about this, not even command. Wish me luck, my love." -Ellia Corrano.
Spoiler: To the Black Tiger Squadron and Hanger CrewShow
"Don't mind that one of the fighters have gone missing, I have taken it and I intend to hang on to it for a while. Also, don't try to locate it with one of the fighter's tracking beacons, I have removed them and they are sitting on the hanger deck in a large pile. Have fun with them." -Black Tiger Leader.
Spoiler: To who it may concernShow
"Don't come looking for me, it won't work." -Ellia Corrano.

After typing up the messages, Ellia left to her quarters, grabbed a few containers of clothing and food stuff, and left to the Black Tiger's Hanger. She hopped into her fighter and left for an unknown destination.
Rumor has it that subcommander E'matclazon was seen on security footage speaking to S' Tarian in sick bay last night. Such was reported to security because no one can remember seeing him there, even those who seemed to be looking right at him.
An ensign comes running onto the ops floor control room, is friend seems eagerly waiting for him.

The new arrival pulls out a PADD and smiles. "I got it!"

"So, he's still there?"

"Totally, and every minute or so he yells it, just like you said! What a weirdo!"

The two ensigns bust out laughing as they look at the PADD.

"Oh my gods... did he do anything when you took the picture?"

"Nope! It was like I wasn't even there."


They shake their head, look at the PADD, still smirking and laughing.

As they lay the PADD down on the console, the image they were looking at comes into view:

Spoiler: the PADDShow


As you look at the PADD you suddenly here a squeakly, high pitch voice from somewhere outside of the control room:

Spoiler: The VoiceShow
Rumor has it that Counselor Sedai uncharacteristically fled a weekly department meeting when it was only barely started, with naught but a murmured, "Please excuse me." Attempts by other department staff to understand the reason have all fallen flat.
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Rumor has it that Ackbar's Grill and Crabshack served free pancakes for an hour in early Gamma shift, to the chagrin of its kitchen-ousted owner. Evidently it was an impromptu (read: totally unplanned and definitely security-call-worthy) farewell cook-off for and by one of the bartenders who's evidently been hired as a freighter pilot. Ackbar did not press charges.
Rumour has it the department of temporal investigations has once again been called to Outpost Argo following a situation in Ops, two temporal events were supposedly reported, no offical details have been given by anyone.
Near the bar on the Outpost, it is spoken that Swifty gave Ellia her special case of Alcohol that he has been holding for her for a while now. After the small party after Beta Shift, Ellia carries out a deed that empties the bottle and forces her to pass out on a chair near there.

About 2 hours later, Swifty comes by and sits down across from her, waking her up to get out of there.

The only words spoken by Ellia to Swifty, in her drunken state, was "Well.... G'morning, Chap."
Deep maintenance crew 3 lead Kolo Meha was overheard saying he heard strange sounds while attending to the lower station atmospheric processors. His table of enlisted friends mocked him for his ghost stories for the rest of the evening...
Rumour has is that Swifty is taking his chef skills to the next level after a possible order of 2 large crates of Tribbles...or was it turnips.