Star Trek: Lower Decks (Spoiler thread)

The Janeway Protocol.

'Nuff said.
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The Janeway Protocol.

"The children!"
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Random fact I just found out. The show takes place in 2380 which puts it seven years before Hobus.
Creative Estimation, Buffer Time!
Sure, it's been around for a long time but now it has a catchy new term to call it by. :idea: :d
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"Ugh, people really use it for that?"
"Oh yeah, it's mostly that."
Mariner has been in Starfleet quite a while, in the last episode, she was at DS9 and that lady was gossiping about Lore and the Borg. Per Memory Alpha, that was in 2369, the show takes place in 2380. That's 11 years, not counting the time she was at the Academy and whatever time she served prior to 2369.
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Mariner has been in Starfleet quite a while, in the last episode, she was at DS9 and that lady was gossiping about Lore and the Borg. Per Memory Alpha, that was in 2369, the show takes place in 2380. That's 11 years, not counting the time she was at the Academy and whatever time she served prior to 2369.
They were talking about older events, that doesn't meant they just happened.. those were TNG events and they were in the late DS9/TNG movie uniform, which was active up until 2379 as per Nemesis.. it was likely just a year before the current date in the show.
Badgy! Also like how there's competition between the shifts, sounds like something that could totally happen. Also, are we going to send our "bad eggs" to Starbase 80?
Finally, a cannon home for all the crazy erhmm..sick people who need love and attention.

Also, is it possible to make the medical crew in the game? Using that cape we got a while back... :idea:
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Every week just keeps getting better and better IMO.

Pity that the season finale is next week, it’s been very fun to watch. Well, only a few weeks away for Discovery.

That was great season finale!


Have we seen those uniforms in the show before? Who wears green? Non-comms?

Those are civillians.

Probably the bar staff


As seen in, among other things, the episode “Lower Decks”.


Yes! That makes total sense and Mudd is right too, definitely look like civilians.

For anyone who may have been wanting this clip: the starship pr0n “hero shot” from S1E09, “Crisis Point”.

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Okay. I watched the finale.

My mixed feelings on the series as a whole still stand, but I’ll admit. That was pretty awesome. :roll_eyes:

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