Status of Junayd Investigation

Stardate 94993.5
Security Level 3 - Restricted

TO CAPT. Quint, E.
CC CAPT. Aloran, E.
FROM RDML Konieczko, D.

SUBJ Status of Junayd Investigation


I understand Captain Quint is currently on leave. At the earliest convenience of either or both of you, I'll need a status update on the progress of the investigation.

Rear Admiral Dmitri Konieczko
Executive Officer
38th Fleet 'Argo'
1 Like
Stardate 95026.1
Security Level 3 - Restricted

TO CAPT. Quint, E.
CC CAPT. Aloran, E.
FROM RDML Konieczko, D.

SUBJ RE: Status of Junayd Investigation


It seems perhaps my last correspondence slipped through some cracks.

Rear Admiral Dmitri Konieczko
Executive Officer
38th Fleet 'Argo'
1 Like
Stardate 95026.4

TO <RDML Konieczko, D.>
CC <CAPT. Aloran, E.>
FROM CAPT Emery Quint
SUBJ RE: Status of Junayd Investigation

Would appear so Admiral,
First off I've yet to have a chance to follow up since the conducted Medical screening. This was revealing as it showed that close examination and comparison of records can Identify this sort of infiltration. A far less invasive system than in the Dominion War days of blood screens.

Secondly now that I've returned from leave and catching up on details that waited on me I plan on a follow up interview but, I don't feel at this point we will gain much. The individual seems willing to be cooperative, but I think was a disposable asset with little actionable intel. We already have her coded transmissions on file so contact protocols could be extracted with minimal computer work. Still due diligence requires some further interviews and such will be done.

Thirdly, interestingly enough discussing items possibly falling through the cracks, I submitted an operations proposal some time back about monitoring Azedi Ship movements with a coordinated cloaked drone operation as well as some Republic assets. I've spoken with the necessary Republic Officers and they seem willing as well as their Commanding Officer. I'm simply waiting to receive the go ahead or denial from yourself or Admiral Perim.

Emery Quint
USS Victory, Captain
38'th Fleet, Taurus Squadron
Stardate 95026.4
Security Level 3 - Restricted

TO CAPT. Quint, E.
CC CAPT. Aloran, E.
FROM RDML Konieczko, D.

SUBJ RE: Status of Junayd Investigation


You have my apologies for missing that correspondence. I have just today spoken to the Commander General about potential operations in what would be Azedi claimed space. She has no intent or desire to send detachment vessels into Azedi space at this time. If you believe you can achieve the same goal without the Republic assets at your disposal then I will approve the plan.

In addition to that, if you believe you can gather the location of or method of contacting the Junayd people that would be wildly beneficial. Either by interview with Tierno or via the communications sent by her. We have a proverbial haystack located we just need to find the needle. Once we have that located we can open more doors.

Rear Admiral Dmitri Konieczko
Executive Officer
38th Fleet 'Argo'
