To: CMDR Eunbi, J (@Eunha)
CC: CMDR Samaras, A
From: CAPT Mirazuni, A
Subj: CPT Valencia Investigation

A number of reports have listed Captain Valencia as insubordinate and acting in a way that endangered the survival of the crew. I would like you to conduct an investigation into these issues. Please submit your report as soon as you are able. There is a lot of blame going around, and one of them is pointing to the actions of our officer. Please make sure your investigation is thorough and impartial; if you feel you cannot do this, I will outsource the investigation.
You may wish to start by getting testimonies from those who were involved but have not yet submitted an AAR. Of these, Captain Konieczko and Captain Nimitz would be the most logical place to start, then work your way down.
Let me know if you require anything. You are free to return to the base should your investigation take you there. Please make this a priority. Commander Samaras may be of some help, should you require.
Captain Mirazuni Ayesha, M.D.
Commanding Officer, USS Endeavour
38th Fleet βArgoβ
//ATTACHMENT// survivalmode.aar