To: RADM Quint, E (@Quint) ; CAPT Varley, L (@Lauren)
CC: ~~
From: CAPT Bishop, S
Subj: Station Incident and Dominion Allies

Admiral, Captain,
As I said to Captain Varley when I spoke with her, the fleet can give her any resources as best as we can divert them.
My concern here lies with the Dominion taking part in Starfleet Operations such as these. Whilst I am aware that the Dominion are our allies, the last time we were acting on crucial information, the Dominion injected themselves into the issue to further their own goals. I fear that they will do so once more. To that end, I have instructed Captain Varley to attempt to keep the D.V. Founder’s Wisdom in orbit around Deep Space 13 as much as she can. If this is not a good move, you may disregard the order, Captain Varley.
I am not against the Dominion being our allies. However, I am wary that critical information and critical briefings are taking place when it is not in our interest to do so. Furthermore, considering the issues this caused last time, our Dominion allies must strive to do more to show their willingness to cooperate with Starfleet, instead of attempting to one-up us at every opportunity.
Having worked with our Dominion allies in the field, I can say that they are useful if they work with us. But there is a natural tendency to be distrustful, especially since last time we extended our hand of friendship, they decided to take a bite.
Going forward, we can do more to attempt to normalise Starfleet-Dominion relations. However, until a time when they can be trusted, for the safety of operations in this sector, we must be cautious of how much we involve them with confidential information.
Captain Samuel Bishop, PhD
Executive Officer, 38th Fleet ‘Argo’