SUBJ: Station and Dominion

To: RADM Quint, E (@Quint) ; CAPT Varley, L (@Lauren)
CC: ~~
From: CAPT Bishop, S
Subj: RE: Station Incident and Dominion Allies

This is what I mean. Why was the Dominion vessel out there without our knowledge? What if the U.S.S. Pegasus got there too late, in time for the Dominion to remove all evidence for their own investigation? They’d just hold that over our heads.

As it is they’ll be using this to prove that the Dominion should be involved in operations such as this. I would if I were them and I’m not near as good at politicking as they are.

I am fully supportive of building relations with our allies and going on cooperative missions. But sensitive missions such as this are a matter of Starfleet security. This is not some external power. This was our station directly attacked.


Captain Samuel Bishop, PhD
Executive Officer, 38th Fleet ‘Argo’

//ATTACHMENT// ds13attackinvestigation.aar