TFA: Memorable Quotes

Razor@worfgagnon: | A MACO team does a lap around the bar. "I don't know but I've been told, Klingon guns are mighty old! I don't know but it's been said, they board us we'll shoot 'em dead!"
TFA:SFK] Razor@worfgagnon: Odyssey comes with BEES

[TFA:SFK] Gretchen@esahr: Odyssey does come with bees.

[TFA:SFK] Chassy S. Quaen@Quaen: Everybody loves bees.

[TFA:SFK] Gretchen@esahr: Bees are awesome.
Razor: One of the oft-unmentioned byproducts of the eugenics wars is that human sweat was genetically modified to smell like lemon Pledge.
Elliot@Rebstorm: Well, basically, my boss came in and got us all stuffed animals.

[TFA:SFK] Elliot@Rebstorm: We were all sitting there like, "What-the-fuck?"

[TFA:SFK] Dae@ompgaming1: You mean what-the-Duck

[TFA:SFK] Iyalshir@Quaen: You mean 'eeeeeeee cuddleables!'
[TFA:SFK] Elliot@Rebstorm: Oh god. Ill answer you in a PM or something, but not tonight - My brains no longer brain.

((Two points to Elliot for using "brain" as a noun AND a verb only two words apart.))
[TFA:SFK] Gretchen@esahr: Fact: Razor is sexy and male.
Kurt@YourCO: My dad just had a go at me.
No'nara@Nikodas: For?
Kurt@YourCO: "Son, there is no way in hell a newly minted Captain would be in command of a dreadnought. Go get a cruiser."

And, unrelated:

@worfgagnon: It's funny how, the more insight into the inner workings of a woman's mind I glean from these conversations, the more convinced I become that Cthulu is an actual thing.
(( Aaahahaha, Oh God. I lost it at Razor's. He may be killed by groups of mixed race backwater cult worshipers, but it was well worth it. ))

dinAlt@tysondeburke surreptitiously licks an eyeball, blinkstwice.

Aaand soon after in interfleet:

[TFA:SFK] Katriel@evenrue: Is there action somewhere?

[TFA:SFK] Chassy S. Quaen@Quaen: Shan is talking to a new recruit, and dinAlt is licking eyeballs.

[TFA:SFK] dinAlt@tysondeburke: My *own* eyeballs, though. Don't make it sound dirty.

[TFA:SFK] Shan@ompgaming1: Too late.

[TFA:SFK] Chassy S. Quaen@Quaen: Right. Right. His own eyeballs, mind.
Chief Norska@Mailman653: If I may ask, what is this meeting about? I heard it announced but was unsure of what it was exactly.

Lyspha@harrymcboot: It's a morale excercise. I think I'm winning..

Rexavich Volkstagg@HyozanReckoner: "Dey tellin us bout morals n makin us lie."
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[Team] Gideon Greywarden@HyozanReckoner: Just made a pvp buy eat his words it was beautiful

[Team] Gideon Greywarden@HyozanReckoner: guy

[Team] Gideon Greywarden@HyozanReckoner: saying excel sucked... so i proceeded to kill his jem hadar drednaught repeatedly

[Team] Razor@worfgagnon: ...Have my babies.

[Team] Gideon Greywarden@HyozanReckoner: lol

[Team] Razor@worfgagnon: I said HAVE THEM. D:<

[Team] Gideon Greywarden@HyozanReckoner: noh!
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Mak'ba@YourCO: The next time you forget, that I outrank you, and you are part of MY ship, I will gut you, stuff you, and mount you to the hull of the Vok'Ta. Is that clear?!

Anida@harrymcboot: You have a fine taste in decor captain.
Tsang@Xennith: ... I just changed my mind. Razor's voice is now Stephen Colbert. It has the right sattirical arrogance.

Ra'jiradh@worfgagnon: HA HA HA ... cookies on dowels.

Tsang@Xennith: "This... is the Razor Report!"

Ra'jiradh@worfgagnon: ...would the T still be silent?

Tsang@Xennith: "Nation, I'm not a scientist... but that doesn't mean I can't act like I'm smarter than them."

Tsang@Xennith: "High-energy particle physicists at the Daestrom Institute think they have a new power relay technology that will replace all our legacy plasma conduit networks..."

Tsang@Xennith: "But why on Earth would they want to do that? Plasma power conduits are a Starfleet tradition! What better way to keep new ensigns on their toes than to have the console they're working on, be in perpetual danger at any given moment of exploding violently in a shower of sparks?"
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... oh my god. That is just seriously uncanny. >__>
^^ omg hahah Xennith
Coby Morton@lobstertan: Has Chassy had a hair cut?

Chassy S. Quaen@Quaen: Yarp!

Coby Morton@lobstertan: Knew it.

Chassy S. Quaen@Quaen: Pretty soon she'll be bald.

Chassy S. Quaen@Quaen: And then before you know it, the Borg Queen.

REX@HyozanReckoner: borg queen would make her more congenial :p
This scene of "Happy Skyler" is suddenly terrifying.
This scene of "Happy Skyler" is suddenly terrifying.

Pffft. Borg Queen ain't got nothing on CSQ. CSQ would have had that little twerp crying by 50 seconds!
Razor@worfgagnon: What announces they're about to leave like a Skyler, doesn't give you a chance to say good-night like a Skyler, but isn't a Skyler?

@worfgagnon has logged off.

I'shari S'rrel@Quaen: Goddamnit Razor.
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That guy... is my hero. In the platonic way. Not like in the way Lara Croft is my hero. That would be.... weird... maybe?