TFA: Memorable Quotes

That guy... is my hero. In the platonic way. Not like in the way Lara Croft is my hero. That would be.... weird... maybe?

True story.

I had a nightmare where I was in a fight with these two guys.

Razor jumped in and saved me.

Maybe I should just play less Star Trek, but that was pretty cool. what you're saying is. had a dream about Razor.
Shan/Dae: Gah, I hate my spelling and grammar mistakes!

Katriel: You shouldn't hate your spelling/grammar mistakes.

Shan/Dae: Yeah, my grammer teacher would.

Katriel: Did you even have one?

This really happened.
wrote: what you're saying is. had a dream about Razor.

Yes, I did.
Shan@ompgaming1 stops talking and opens his mouth wide in an awkward smile, his pointing teeth showing. He turns his head in jerky motions to ensure he looks directly at each person.
Elliot@Rebstorm: This sounds confuzzling.

Shan@ompgaming1: It can be.

Shan@ompgaming1: Thats why I'm waiting at the pad.

Shan@ompgaming1: I'll show you the quick down and dirty on ..... errr... Risa
Since when did Shan oust Razor for the fleet's resident goofy quote source? :p
There is a minor difference.... Razor did them on purpose. I sorta fall into them like a blind dog at a trampoline park.
[10:24] Eli Altais@shoopdanwoop: Lookit all the puny ships compared to SPACE WHALE!

[10:25] Jak@ltcommanderartix: haha ^

[10:25] Vsha@Mailman653: lol

[10:25] Tanis@kelltanis: U.S.S. Orca

[10:25] Razor@worfgagnon: Oh good, Eli brought the gravy boat. Who was bringing the turkey?

[10:25] Tanis@kelltanis: Totally naming my Odyssey that if I ever get one :p
When the new Andorian was working in such close proximity to Big-D his tongue got.... a little tied! :p

[3:15] [Local] Th'Zarath@quetzal88: going to need your lips,,, help, need your help!
[3:17] [Local] Th'Zarath@quetzal88: working? We want to blow you, IT! blow it up.
There is a minor difference.... Razor did them on purpose. I sorta fall into them like a blind dog at a trampoline park.

You do realize that your statement itself deserves to be quoted for this page. Thats right people, we went meta.
This is an improvement over the usually Skyler-out.

[6:00] [TFA:SFK] Katriel@evenrue: I could really use some less emotional explosives experts.

[6:01] [TFA:SFK] Zhenaen@adeptharrower: I dunno that having emotional explosive experts is ever a good idea to begin with

[6:01] [TFA:SFK] Zhenaen@adeptharrower: One time playing "Every Rose Has It's Thorn" at the wrong moment, it's goodbye Cargo Bay 6....

[6:01] [TFA:SFK] Chassy S. Quaen@Quaen: "Man, I *really* *really* hate it when they spell my name with a Y. There's no Y in Jason! Seriously guys, it's just. AUuuuuuuugh!!" *kaboom*

[6:01] [Friend] @Quaen has logged off.

[6:02] [TFA:SFK] Zhenaen@adeptharrower: LMAO

[6:02] [TFA:SFK] Katriel@evenrue: . . .
She makes the mundane... Skyler-y! Y's?

Fine, I will never spell Skler with a Y again. Ever. Not even in character.

This will be more annoying than the Game. Mark my words, you asked for this.
[2:39] Diz@gruegirl shrugs and sips her firewine "Mmm. I'll say this about the Klingons they know how to make good alcohol."

[2:39] Quan@harrymcboot: Mm.. It's one of their only talents..

[2:40] Reva@averagecapt gives a glance to the Klingon next to her.
I'm just going to leave this..... here.

[3:11] [Local] Eli Altais@shoopdanwoop: Y'know I think our Commander Quaen dispises these gatherings.

[3:12] [Local] Coby Morton@lobstertan: "Oh, what makes you say that?!"

[3:12] Eli Altais@shoopdanwoop "She's being a cloud of misery over there." He gestures in her direction.

[3:13] [Local] Calvin Mercer@Federation2935: *looks over to her*

[3:13] Eli Altais@shoopdanwoop he scratches the back of his neck. "Maybe we should get her a cat. Cat's don't like people, she doesn't like people...seems like a good match."

[3:16] [Local] Coby Morton@lobstertan: "I mean, it's hardly going to make things worse, is it?"

*small pause for boring introductions to other folks that talk about boring stuff*

[3:21] Coby Morton@lobstertan bites his tounge "Now... where were we... oh right, Commanders' cat."

[3:25] [Local] Eli Altais@shoopdanwoop: Maybe a cat that bites.

[3:25] Coby Morton@lobstertan mockingly pauses for thought "Hmm~ I'm thinking a panther."

[3:26] [Local] Eli Altais@shoopdanwoop: You think she'd like a panther? Can we get them tame enough?

[3:26] [Local] Coby Morton@lobstertan: "Pfft~ Probably from somewhere. Do you think the Panther would like her? Can we get /her/ tame enough?"

[3:27] [Local] Eli Altais@shoopdanwoop: She is a bit moody.
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[7:02] Miisi@harrymcboot: Mm..

[7:03] Coby Morton@lobstertan: Borg?

[7:03] Miisi@harrymcboot: So.. If the Borg conquered earth.. Would they turn all of the creatures into Borg?

[7:03] Miisi@harrymcboot: so we'd have a Borg Emu!

[7:03] Miisi@harrymcboot: And an elephant of Borg!
Stop revealing my evil plans or I'll set my Borg Poodle on you!
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