TFA: Memorable Quotes

Rh'Valak tr'Volskiar@CeMetzli: What's McCarthy gonna do with all that junk, all that junk up in his trunk?


McCarthy@eden001: My junk, my usless, useless junk.

Rh'Valak tr'Volskiar@CeMetzli: Are you going to get Nethali drunk, get her drunk off of your junk?

Areyis@Bywing: No, you won't sell that junk. I wouldn't buy that junk, inside your trunk. It's not worth a single buck.
Susan Collingwood@harrymcboot: HONK

Agent Ceres@sevitri: honk

Katriel@evenrue: ...

Susan Collingwood@harrymcboot: HONK HONK HONK

Katriel@evenrue: Sevi, thought your char name was "Agent Cares" at first.

Agent Ceres@sevitri: ...Lemme reroll. Hardcore gritty carebear.

Katriel@evenrue: Yeah, now I'm kind of disappointed to see that it isn't. :roll:

McCarthy@eden001: I just realized it's NOT Agent Cares

Acetrevman14@aceshot14: OH GOD IT ISNT

Acetrevman14@aceshot14: LOL

Agent Ceres@sevitri: :l

McCarthy@eden001: BIRRAS. YOU HAVE FALED US.

McCarthy@eden001: ...FAILED
Vallik@irishregular: Well mine has been dubbed "Destroyer of Fleets" But thats only because Vallik, his crew and his ship wiped out 72 Enemy vessels in 5.34 mins. It was a heavy pitched battle.

Tyranthor@tyranthor: In actuality he captains a Danube Runabout.

Tyranthor@tyranthor: With "Destoyer of Fleets" Spray painted on it.

Vallik@irishregular: Oh yeah, forgot to mention that. It wasnt his actual ship, just a shuttle from it.

Falcon@Falcon3000: You needed a shuttle? I've done more damage in an EV suit. ;)

Falcon@Falcon3000: That was leaking atmosphere.

Falcon@Falcon3000: Through a broken face plate. Oh, yes, thanks. :d

Penni Black@captaincoffin: Psh, talk to me when you've taken down a full invasion force clothed nothing but ammo and hard vacuum.

Esahr@esahr: You had ammo? All I had was a type 1 phaser with 1% charge.
Davin@arkaik353 blinks. "...You want the Vailiu?"

Davin@arkaik353 glances at Nethali and McCarthy. "You sure I can't interest you in a gently-used human?"

Davin@arkaik353 steps forward, slowly. "Figure it out. Nethali was right, but that doesn't change the fact that you two have become liabilities. And I don't like it when my friends are liabilities."
Shan: Counselor Sedai.

Katriel blinks. "... Administrator."

Shan: Takenum, my homeworld.
Shan: There is a large flightless bird.
Shan: Carrion Zeep.
Shan: Average height is 3.1 meters.
Shan: Flocks of eight to twelve individuals roam southern continent's prairie.

Katriel looks moderately puzzled at why she's being informed of this, but continues to listen politely.

Shan: Never stop. Always moving.
Shan: Average speed is 18 kilometers a day.
Shan: Only stop for one purpose

Shan looks up a moment, then back at Katriel.

Shan: Stop when one of their flock expires.
Shan: Flocks wait for rains to wash away remains.
Shan: Rumor says they wait weeks or more.
Shan: Average rainfall on southern prairie indicates it rains every 3.6 days, however.
Shan: Regardless...

Katriel looks totally speechless for a while before she clears her throat just a little.

Shan: Brain 17% smaller percentage than body mass compared to other birds on my planet.
Shan: Still.... stop to mourn. Intriguing. Decided, must be important.

Katriel bows her head a little, staring at the floor.

Shan pulls from behind his back a frame with the EC tag still on the glass and a printed picture of Chassy Skyler Quaen's service profile picture in it.

Shan says nothing as he holds it out for her to take.

Katriel inhales a breath when the picture comes into her field of view and she takes it silently. "... thank you, Administrator."

Shan nods.
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Esahr@esahr: Davin's feeling snarky today.

Nethali@Quaen: He's actually the ninja snarker of the 3 stooges.

Davin@arkaik353: I lull you into a false sense of security, and the BAM! Warbird decloaking, hit you with a full spread of funny.
Davin@arkaik353 just... blinks. "You proud of yourself? Are you proud of what you're doing right now?"
Nethali@Quaen: "Why /her/, Dip!"

Davin@arkaik353 quirks an eyebrow at Aster. "What's your problem with Kat?"

Nethali@Quaen: "Look, it's makin' Dos get all weird an' still, like 'e's not a squirrel on drugs."
Dewey@Dewey001: i really hope they make a fleet T5 version of the exeter class. it is the perfect trek ship imo

Nethali@Quaen: Shh, don't let Razor hear you.

Dewey@Dewey001: ...he...he doesnt like it???

Nethali@Quaen: He worships the excelsior.

Dewey@Dewey001: Well, yes. that IS a beautiful ship. dare I say one of the best designed ships in all of trek. But the exeter appeases my lust for TOS while meeting 2409 era designs

Nethali@Quaen: ..that's getting mem'quoted.

Dewey@Dewey001: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
[10:30] Jacob RunningBear@ompgaming1: I can be unscrupulous and seductive!
... anyone can edit text. There's no real way to tell what was REALLY said, or wasn't said! :|
Nethali@Quaen chokes on her drink at Razor's comment, sputtering, and sends a nice little mist of ale all over Davin.

Davin@arkaik353 had his flask out when the Elements decided he was being too slow, and Aster shared her drink with his face. He tenses, sighs, and wipes his face with his sleeve.

Nethali@Quaen: "Uh." It's hacked out between subduing giggles- the woman wisely taking a crabwise step, "..sorry there, mate."

Davin@arkaik353 just holds up a hand, opens his flask, and has a nice, irresponsibly long sip.
[1:42] Areyis@Bywing: The Spheres are the Citadel components.

[1:42] Ellia Corrano@omegaicarus: -.-

[1:42] Razor@worfgagnon: hai areyis?

[1:42] Areyis@Bywing: Undine are Collectors, Iconians are Reapers, The Spheres are part of the Citadel.

[1:42] Areyis@Bywing: We're the Alliance.

[1:42] Razor@worfgagnon: *indoctrinates*

[1:42] Ellia Corrano@omegaicarus: This again.

[1:43] Eli Altais@shoopdanwoop: And Razor is fem/Shep.

[1:43] Ellia Corrano@omegaicarus: I'm done.

[1:43] Areyis@Bywing: and Dewey would be male/Shep

[1:43] Eli Altais@shoopdanwoop: Aaaand shipped.

[1:44] Razor@worfgagnon: Sooo if Dewey and I made out, would that be incest or...?

[1:44] Ellia Corrano@omegaicarus: I'm walking away from this.

[1:44] Ellia Corrano@omegaicarus: I'm so done with this.

[1:44] Eli Altais@shoopdanwoop: Blue and human, nah

[1:44] Areyis@Bywing: I asked this same question earlier actually.

[1:44] Ellia Corrano@omegaicarus: I can't even
Razor@worfgagnon: Areyis Fulagsu, according to a survey conducted several moments ago the majority of listeners on this channel now believe that you are, *consults clipboard* "totally gross." How do you respond?

Razor@worfgagnon: *aims microphone at Areyis*

Areyis@Bywing: *removes pants*
[Zone #18] Druk@repetitiveepic: "pvp" in this game is like two people sitting next to eachother, holding hands, and crying

I know we normally keep this to the fleet, but this one made me laugh aloud.
I endorse the above quote. That was too funny.
Kane@eden001: Well, he's one betrayl away from having a dramatic super villian backstory.

Katriel@evenrue: 5 contraband on Nethali.
Arrianna@siskofan1991: I like the Romulan interior. I just wish the Rommies had more options

Razor@worfgagnon: There's D'Deridex, Little D'Deridex, Shrimpy D'Deridex, Anorexic D'Deridex...

Razor@worfgagnon: AND! And. If you did "Step Between Stars" while it was featured? ALBINO Anorexic D'Deridex.
Shan looks up, and pauses.

Shan forces out an obviously fake long sigh.

Shan does his sigh again, a bit louder.

Shan coughs, then does his sigh even louder.

McCarthy sighs, then jumps down.

Shan smiles.... to himself.

McCarthy: "I thought that was a good place to work on stealth skills."

Shan looks up at the door jam again.

Shan: "I do not think it is safe, should you fall on someone else."

Shan: "I am glad you complied without the assistance of security."

Shan: "By not calling security immediately, I am demonstrating sympathy to your diminished mental capacity, and allowing you to discover your error yourself."

Shan: "You are welcome."

McCarthy: "...Wait."

McCarthy: "Did he just call me stupid?"
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