TFA: Memorable Quotes

Tal'ahnay@kelltanis: Areyis would trust a Ferengi in Smaug's lair more than he trusts Razor
McCarthy: Hating me yet?
Nethali: Just your attitude towards your characters.
McCarthy: Me, I'm a great person, but how I treat my characters is bad enough to make a PETA for fictional people?
[6:20] Shan@ompgaming1: I find its viscosity to be aestheticly pleasing. Also, the contrast of orange and black excite neurons of happiness and pleasure.

[6:21] Areyis@Bywing looks at Ellia, raising an eyebrow, and then looks back to Shan

[6:22] Shan@ompgaming1: Very well. I am done relaxing.

[6:22] Shan@ompgaming1 looks at Areyis.

[6:22] Shan@ompgaming1: Thank you for the insite Captain.

[6:22] Shan@ompgaming1: If you are being controlled by Undine right now, I am of monumental insignificance.

[6:22] Shan@ompgaming1 nods.
This applicant has been on starbase for the past couple of hours at least and she intermittently DCs. At one point, McCarthy cracks a joke that not even this applicant could know the pain and suffering of what he goes through, with the Mac client. As it turns out...

(Imzavia logs back in for the 3582418th time.)

[Local] Imzavia Loures@katcro21: ((So sorry! The mac client is jenky))

[Local] McCarthy@eden001: ((OH MY GOD. YOU KNOW MY PAIN))

[Local] Imzavia Loures@katcro21: ((IT'S HORRIBLE))

[Local] McCarthy@eden001: ((I KNOW RIGHT?))

[Local] Katriel@evenrue: ((oh man. the two Mac users RPing with each other. tag team crashes.))

[Local] Imzavia Loures@katcro21: ((LOL!))

[Local] McCarthy@eden001: ((KAT. KAT. WE NEED TO KEEP THIS ONE.))
Had to make a screencap of this one. 5-12-14, during the hearing for asylum:

Shan@ompgaming1 looks Davin square in the eyes.

Davin@arkaik353 looks up from totally-reports-and-not-an-epic-session-of-Settlers-Of-Rihan, blinking when he sees Shan. "...Lieutenant."

Shan@ompgaming1 glances around, looking back at Davin. "Is the trader on base tonight?"

Davin@arkaik353 hesitates a moment. "...Qul, or Dawsons?"

Shan@ompgaming1 grimaces. "The second one."

Davin@arkaik353 raises his wrist-comm. "Aithaen, anhelae Dawsons." The thing buzzes twice. "Doesn't seem so."

Shan@ompgaming1 nods and activates his communicator. "Night cleaning crew, stand down from the level Delta for tonight. Lt Jal'Shan out."

Shan@ompgaming1 nods. "That one is very messy."
Nethali Aster@Quaen: "Naw, naw, boys, dun fight. I can.. yeah, no, sorry, I ain't givin' up this fighter gig for /anythin'/, e'en if y' paid me a Nagus's ransom."

McCarthy@eden001: "I'd let you pay with the big guns.~"

Nethali Aster@Quaen: "Awh, please, it ain't /that/ big~"

Davin@arkaik353 chuckles. "You just can't compete with a Scorpiion fighter, Dawsons. Half a ton of finely tuned Reman engineering wrapped around a pair of plasma assault cannons."

Nethali Aster@Quaen points a finger at Davin, "Did I mention 'e gets off on machinery?"

McCarthy@eden001 stared at her for a second, "I was talking about actualy guns, Aster." He then looks back to Davin. "...Had no idea you were a mechanophile. I knew you were handy with them, but not like that."

Nethali Aster@Quaen crosses her arms triumphantly, mission maccomplished.

Davin@arkaik353 blinks, glancing from Net to Dawsons. "Mention building a borg drone one time..."

McCarthy@eden001 loses it, his hands going to his sides as he laughs.
McCarthy@eden001 chuckles, "Nah. It's poor taste to try and sleep with the person giving you life advice. However, I still have that plan to get shot on she ship works on."

McCarthy@eden001 looks at Imzavia and grins from ear to ear at her, wagging his eyebrows at her.

Nethali Aster@Quaen: "Need a volunteer t' pull th' trigger?" She shines a toothy, predatory smile his way.

Imzavia Loures@katcro21 laughs loudly.

McCarthy@eden001 looks to Aster, "You're the best wingman." He punches the woman on the shoulder, playfully.

Imzavia Loures@katcro21: "Hm. I suppose contracting a disease would serve the same purpose."

Imzavia Loures@katcro21: "As long as I am on duty."

Imzavia Loures@katcro21 laughs.

Nethali Aster@Quaen responds with a feigned jab to the ribs, "Oh, I bet I can 'elp wi' that one, too~ Know a few call girls at Droz tha'd do me th' favor~"

Imzavia Loures@katcro21 covers her mouth as she laughs loudly once more.

McCarthy@eden001 snorts at Aster, "Sounds like a Mistake I would like at the start, then more then likely regret the morning after. Like you!" He grins at Aster.

Nethali Aster@Quaen slides sideways between the two, Millenium Falcon style, backpedaling once she's past to give Dawsons a flat-toed boot to the arse. "An' th' one after that, an' one a bit after that, too. Damn, boy, y' jess dun learn~"

Nethali Aster@Quaen is, still, completely chipper.

Imzavia Loures@katcro21 actually snorts.

McCarthy@eden001 takes the boot to the rear as he jump, "Ow! Ow! Hey! Hey! Watch it!"
Nethali Aster@Quaen: Better than repeating 'notafish'.

McCarthy@eden001: ...

Nethali Aster@Quaen: ...hokay so that one requires a bit of a back story.
Random DS9 RP. Notable just because, uh. Random RP on DS9. HELLO.

Nethali Aster@Quaen: Jeebs, yer a scary one.

Kanzick@tennytenten: Only when I'm angry.

Nethali Aster@Quaen: Which, if any o' th' other gorn I've 'ad th' misfortune o' meeting', is /all/ th' time.

Kanzick@tennytenten: Not me. I'm pretty laid back.

Nethali Aster@Quaen: ...did they lobotomize you as a bebbe leezard or sommat?

Kanzick@tennytenten: What? No, I got nothing to be angry about. In fact, I couldn't be happier!

Nethali Aster@Quaen squints up at him. "...either yer a big fat liar, a master o' irony, or yer trippin'."

Kanzick@tennytenten: Or maybe I'm just awesome.

Nethali Aster@Quaen: "I'mma go with trippin'."

Kanzick@tennytenten: Pft. Whatever.

Nethali Aster@Quaen: ...see, I still got all my extremities. Owh! I get it! Y'must be a changeling thing."

Kanzick@tennytenten: Please. A changeling could never recreate my looks.

Nethali Aster@Quaen: "Then..some other..transformin' beastie thing. 'Cause y' 'aven't once leezard-tongued or growled at me. Y'can't be Gorn."

Kanzick@tennytenten: Have you considered I'm just well spoken? And why would I growl at you?

Nethali Aster@Quaen: "..'cause yer gorn, obviously. S'what y' /do/. 'Bring back the hedgemony', yaddaharhar."

Kanzick@tennytenten: Eh. I'm pretty indifferent to the Hemogeny.

Nethali Aster@Quaen takes one step back in exaggerated surprise, jaw dropped in the theatrical shock. "Roight, now I know /I'm/ th' one trippin'."

Kanzick@tennytenten: Well I don't hate the Hemogeny, I just don't really feel part of it.

Nethali Aster@Quaen: " got /feels/?! What kind o' gorn's got /feels~!?/"

Kanzick@tennytenten: We all do. You really think we don't have feelings too?

Nethali Aster@Quaen: "Uhm. ...y--yeap, gotta say I've ne'er 'ad real cause th' think y'lot weren't jess giant scaley lumps o' face-thirsty rage."

Kanzick@tennytenten: Now you see, that just hurts my feelings.

Nethali Aster@Quaen holds up a hand, palm outwards, turning away. "Nawp, I'm done. Whatever I'm on, I'm done. Fer good. Damnit, Dawsons, stop givin' me yer tainted stuff."

Kanzick@tennytenten: Seriously, I do have feelings!

Kanzick@tennytenten: We're not Vulcans. Geeze.

Nethali Aster@Quaen plugs her ears, starting off, "Yeahnope yer lizards. All y' want is hedgemonies, death, an' burnination!"

Kanzick@tennytenten: I'm not a lizard!

Kanzick@tennytenten: I'm a sentient being!
((the point at which I lost it.))
I love this. He's obviously A keeper for either awesome Diplomacy stuff or Comic relief!
Soa'Lindresko@lobstertan: =/\= Mr. McCarthy might I remind you the integrity of your suit is not un-breachable, it's advised you cease your more excited movements at risk of puncture.

McCarthy@eden001: <C> "Yes, Soa. Thank you you for reminding me that there is a suit between me and death, but that does not stop the fact of dibs. It's an ancient and time honored tradition that transends many cultures. So. Dibs. This is mine now."
Davin@arkaik353: Pssh, Romulans are just a myth. We're all Vulcans. Friendly, peaceful Vulcans. Live long and whatever.
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So for those unaware of the struggle that used to go with generating SFK RP, this quote shows a slight swap.

Shane's alt comes aboard SFK's station

Kelax@dinin619: ....Man, there is more life here then DS13 lol
From SFK:

Wrot'Ka@Dewey001: "You will get your chance soon enough. Ensure you ship is fully stocked and ready for a bloody battle. Do not be like," Turns his head slightly as he speaks louder, "the rest of these Officers who stand around doing nothing."

Riles@worfgagnon walks over to the console neighbouring the General, presses buttons until it starts beeping in that obnoxious 'alert' tone over and over, then just walks away.
People talking about a plan which involves Tribbles, then...

[9:34] Davin@arkaik353: I imagine punching a tribble would just make it squeak like a dog toy.

He's just coming up with a lot of these. I laughed for a straight minute or more.
I couldn't save the text, but this is basically what happened.

Kanzick: Whoops! Looks like I accidentally brought a tribble with me. Heh.

Shor: Mmmmmm. GIVE IT to me.

Kanzick: What are you gonna do with it?

Shor: What must be done...

Kanzick: Did I say tribble? This isn't a tribble, it's a toy!
McCarthy hops to his feet as he swaggers to the bar. "Runningbear! Who's your friend here?~" He says in a sort of sing song voice as he looks over at Swifty, "Whiskey, Swift."
Jacob RunningBear looks startled.

[Local] Jacob RunningBear: Oh.. uhh... this is Captain Evlyn Lahn.
[Local] Jacob RunningBear: She is off the Trill Defense Force.
[Local] Yasal: nods to Jacob RunningBear. "Excellent memory, Ensign." She looks to McCarthy. "And you're..."
McCarthy cranes his neck to Evlyn and forming an absolutely evil grin that spread across his face and showing each of his white pointed teeth. "Why, Hello there Miss Lahn. I'm--" He sees Jacob muscle -
Jacob RunningBear steps in front of McCarthy and motions towards the chairs.

[Local] Jacob RunningBear: Oh.. don't worry about him... he's nobody
[Local] Jacob RunningBear: Right this way Captain.
Yasal arches a brow with a smirk. "Very well." She chuckles
McCarthy | and stands there, clicking his tongue.
Lexis@lightofthesun1: YOu're into making pleasure bots?
Lexis@lightofthesun1 looked at Davin.

Davin@arkaik353 quirks an eyebrow, making sure Dawsons sees the hand heading to one of his pockets. And then he hears Lexis. "W-wait, what? No, I... Just the regular kind. Fvadt Nethali..." He sighs and shakes his head before turning to Kermit and Lex. "I do NOT build pleasure robots."

Kermit@bobisgod171 smirks, "I'll take your word for it."
McCarthy@eden001: Oh. This is beautiful.
Jacob RunningBear@ompgaming1: finally find your zipper?