To: 38'th Fleet JAG Office From: RADM Quint

To: @38th.JAG
From: RADM Emery Quint
Subj: Establishment of Inquiry and potential Disciplinary review of Officers

Recently several officers were involved in an incident at Gartan II. I have attached the AAR and initial investigation report to this message. I have already had Officers conduct an informal review and I am not pleased with the reports I am hearing. I am asking JAG to review the provided reports and determine if said agency needs to become involved and seek judicial accountability.

If so the process will be turned over fully to JAG and those officers being perused by that agency will face those results. Those Officers not found to be culpable to the degree of such with be subject to Non-judiciary review and punishments as applicable.

Ultimately I feel only one officer will be facing Judiciary action. Though I will leave that ultimately up to your department. Those other officers facing non-Judiciary disciplinary action will likely be contacting your office for representation during such and support.

Emery Quint
RADM-Commanding Officer 38th Fleet
38’th Fleet ‘Argo’

//ATTACHMENT// AAR: Wrong Place, Wrong Time

//ATTACHMENT// Admiralty Office Report: Wrong Place, Wrong Time


To: RADM Quint, E.
CC: 38th.JAG
From: LTJG Eno, K.
Subj: RE: Establishment of Inquiry…

Admiral Quint,

Good evening. My name is Lieutenant (JG) Kai Eno. I’ll be the point officer on the investigation into the Gartan II mission. I’ve reviewed the attached reports and will be reaching out to several of the involved officers to conduct interviews of my own. While I understand informal interviews were already conducted; we will need to preform proper depositions before I make an official ruling. The report and my recommendations will be made available to you as it progresses.

Lieutenant (JG) Kai Eno
Judge Advocate,
38th Fleet


To: RADM Quint, E.
CC: 38th.JAG
From: LTJG Eno, K.
Subj: RE: Establishment of Inquiry…

Admiral Quint,

I have completed and submitted my report, linked below. I am available should you have any questions.


Lieutenant (JG) Kai Eno
Judge Advocate,
38th Fleet

//ATTACHMENT// Gartan II Investigation