TO: CAPT Kermit, SUBJ: Whoops

To: CAPT Kermit, J.
From: Riov Rejok
Subj: Whoops

Y’hhau Starfleet! We have a problem-- we? As if I’m still some Republic centurion. YOU, riov, have a problem. Remember that- what was she, the Sub-Lieutenant, if I’m remembering correctly. The one I skipped over to your ship, like one of those flat-belly rocks. Man, this has the potential to be really bad, Starfleet. There’s a really high likelihood that woman was Tal Shiar.

One of my men, for whatever reason decided to go back and look through the personnel files of everyone who’s been on the ship, there was an encryption on the dossier. One of those contrived, needlessly intricate encryptions too. Personally, I think it’s very telling when the encryption is ridiculously complex. Point being, someone should serve that Bolarus kid a wellness check.


//ATTACHMENT// delumPersonnelFile.rse.dsr
//ATTACHMENT// isolatedEncryption.txt


To: Rejok
From: CAPT Kermit

Subj: RE: Whoops

In the future, you may find it helpful to check the dossiers of your passengers before bringing them aboard. I certainly would have appreciated the opportunity to do so.

Captain James Kermit
Commanding, USS Reyga

To: @DS13.Intelligence
CC: CMDR Sedai
From: CAPT Kermit
Subj: Potential Tal Shiar Infiltrator

Transferred alleged defector, RSE Sublieutenant Delum, from Sienov to RRF Centurion Bolarus. A person, not the star system. Sienov now reporting Delum may be Tal Shiar, see forwarded message. Have no further info on either of them beyond our brief encounter.

Original report:

Captain James Kermit
Commanding, USS Reyga


To: CAPT Kermit ( @kermit )
CC: CMDR Sedai ( @Katriel )
From: CMDR Sideris
Subj: Re: Potential Tal Shiar Infiltrator


This is unfortunate news. Per the transfer records on this individual, it appears they spent their time aboard your ship in the brig. Please confirm containment protocol for a prisoner transit and transfer was observed and let me know if you observed any notable or unusual conduct in the individual.

CMDR Noah Sideris
Chief Intelligence Officer, Deep Space 13
38th Fleet ‘Argo’


To: CMDR Sideris
CC: CAPT Kermit
From: CMDR Sedai
Subj: Re: Re: Potential Tal Shiar Infiltrator


I can confirm that the individual in question was carefully escorted both to and from our detention facilities, and was never out of sight of at least one on duty security officer at all times. Passenger was never afforded an opportunity to interact with shipboard systems and no unusual behavior was otherwise reported.

CMDR K. Sedai
XO/Science, USS Reyga


To: SUBADM Miral ( @Aev )
From: CMDR Sideris
Subj: A Potential Concern


An individual identified as ‘Sublieutenant Delum’ was taken into custody by the USS Reyga from the RRW Sienov. I have attached the report detailing the circumstances.

Though this individual was identified to us as an imperial deserter by the crew of the Sienov, our people transported ‘Delum’ in the brig and remanded them to Republic personnel on Virinat. Reyga received further communication after the prisoner was delivered to Virinat from RRW Sienov suggesting ‘Delum’ may be a Tal Shiar agent.

During the current conflict, I’m sure this scenario is at the forefront of any officer’s concerns when evaluating a former imperial seeking asylum and this notification is redundant, but I preferred to err on the side of caution and alert you.

I hope this has been unnecessary and that you view my excess of caution with tolerance. Advise if I can be of further assistance.

CMDR Noah Sideris
Chief Intelligence Officer, Deep Space 13
38th Fleet ‘Argo’

//ATTACHMENT// AAR: Prisoner Remand
//ATTACHMENT// Follow-up Communique


To: CMDR Sideris
From: SUBADM Miral
Subj: RE: A Potential Concern

Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Commander. I will ensure this information is forwarded on.

Subadmiral Miral
Commanding Officer
11th Expeditionary Flotilla