TO: CMDR Nathes SUBJ: A Gift

To: CMDR Nathes
Subj: A Gift

aei hhaetn hwiiy khamaenen elet akh. arhem dosais khia pehai, s’Europani mnakhao.



To: CENT Aev
From: SUBADM Miral
Subj: RE: A Gift


Put a report together on this, priority three.

Subadmiral Miral
Commanding Officer,
11th Expeditionary Flotilla

To: SUBADM Miral
CC: CDR Nathes
From: CENT Aev
Subj: RE: A Gift

Subadmiral, Commander,

I can confirm that this message originated from the mercenary vessel Sienov and was sent from the Europani system. Frequency analysis of the message matches previous hails from that ship. They still use an archaic modulation method, details are attached if either of you need additional analysis.

This same ship recently had a run in with our allies in the 38th Fleet. The USS Reyga made contact with them on stardate 100135.6 (Report attached). The ship does semi-competent mercenary work. I reached out to Commander Sedai, Reyga’s XO, and she and one of her officers were able to provide some additional context. In summary, their read was that this outfit is an unknown and not to be trusted.

That said, their mission profile and history indicates valuable sources inside the Empire. These may be invaluable given Imperial activity in the region of their message. I recommend we send a ship to investigate.

Centurion Aev
Intelligence Officer,
11th Expeditionary Flotilla

//ATTACHMENT// Frequency Analysis
//ATTACHMENT// Reyga Report


To: SUBADM Miral
From: CDR Nathes
Subj: It’s a ship.

The gift is a ship.

A BIG ship belonging to Rator III.

With prisoners.

Intelligence is going to have a field day.

This mercenary might be worth interviewing after the war too. He and his crew are exceptionally clever. Though quite frankly, paying significant mind to him is a waste of time. The ship he flies is older than Admiral Kererek. And if he uses it to destroy warbirds belonging to Rator III, I doubt anyone will shed a tear.

A full report will be submitted once this operation is fully concluded.

CDR Nathes

//ATTACHMENT// [placeholder for log + report]