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Security Level 2 - Confidential
TO Doza Task Force Message group CC Starfleet Command; RADM Konieczko FROM RDML Quint SUBJ Memo: General Order One |
Effective Stardate 96612.4
Per Starfleet Regulations: Application of General Order One as it applies to your current operation in Doza involving the Xedi and Kingdom of Parin Governments:
You are hereby authorized to take action that will involve you in the current internal development of the Xedi and Kingdom of Parin Governments. To achieve that end, the following actions are authorized and considered 'Within Scope of Authority' to your actions:
Intelligence gathering: Monitoring of Civil/Military Communications, Infiltration, Asset Development.
-These must comply with Articles of Starfleet Intelligence: Ethical Conduct: Sections 7 through 20
Diplomatic intervention: Reaching out to both official Governments as well as the opposing factions for the purpose of establishing dialogue and serving as intermediary voice. Under the intent of ending or preventing escalation of the conflicts.
Military Action: Starfleet will take no hostile action on the part of any party in this conflict except to:
1-Protect Sentient life threatened by imminent action being taken by any before mentioned parties or their supporters.
2-Protect-Federation/Alliance assets
3-In self defense or defense of another from attack with the potential for serious bodily Injury/Permanent disfigurement/Death
4-Enforce any resolution made in accord with all parties involved until such time as all parties are sufficiently capable of enforcing such resolutions.
These provisions are provided to allow you to proceed and fulfill the Mission Objectives of the Doza Task Force. As with all involvement in the affairs of non member nations our goal is not to overly influence the culture or development of these world's Governments. Simply to secure peace and prevent loss of life on either side and prevent continued attacks on Federation assets. Involvement of other foreign powers will be investigated and provided to the Diplomatic Corps for further pursuance in accordance to relevant treaties and Diplomatic Status. You are to follow all treaty stipulations with any other Government found to be exerting external influence on this situation, and may take actions as needed to prevent further interference so long as it does not compromises these treaties or violate Task Force goals.
Emery Quint
Rear Admiral Lower Half, Fleet Executive Officer
38'th Fleet 'Argo