TO: CAPT Varley | SUBJ: Xedi Situation

Security Level 3 - Restricted
TO: CAPT Varley
CC: CAPT Bishop
FROM: LCDR Sideris
SUBJ: Xedi Situation

CAPT Varley,

The situation on Isep Xedi is deteriorating rapidly and the window for Starfleet intervention is closing. As part of the Doza Task Force, we were authorized by Admiral Quint to take action, but this preceded your arrival.

Per the Admiral’s directive, I would like to send a team of three operatives to Isep Xedi. I don’t anticipate any trouble on the way in, but the chance of violent conflict at the destination requires a small team and a swift ship to ensure successful extraction if our efforts to prevent the coup are unfruitful.

The first will speak with representatives of the government there and warn them without alerting General Balrath’s faction and potentially accelerating the hardliner timetable. This will allow the current regime a chance to defuse the incoming violence, and if that proves impossible, to prepare for it.

The second operative will open negotiations with the rebel headquarters at the abandoned mining facility in Isep Xedi to request their aid in defeating the upcoming coup. Given the hostile reception Starfleet is likely to receive from the rebels after Poltofor II, these negotiations must take place from orbit rather than in person, but use of the rebel encryption to contact them should get them to open communications. Despite their reputation, our monitoring of the relay shows several in the upper echelons to be individuals of intelligence and perception. I think we can sway them.

The third operative will remain with the ship, monitor for hostile activity and handle extraction as necessary.

This operation requires minimal manpower, a single vessel and does not commit any military aid to any faction of the Isep Xedi, but it may prevent the loss of many Xedi lives and the destabilization of the Xedi homeworld. Protocol dictates I seek permission from my direct superior, but as Intelligence is without a coordinator at this time, the decision is yours.

LCDR Sideris
Intelligence Officer, DS13
38th Fleet ‘Argo’

Security Level 3 - Restricted
TO: LCDR Sideris, N.
CC: CAPT Bishop, S.
FROM: CAPT Varley, L.
SUBJ: Re: Xedi Situation

LCDR Sideris, this operation is approved as requested under our scope of authority within General Order One: Diplomatic Intervention with one exception:

Time permitting, the second operative will make contact with the rebel authority only once we’re sure there’s no way that the Xedi government can snuff this out before it begins. Once we bring the rebels into the loop, it’s unlikely that they will be satisfied with anything except a violent solution. The dice say this is probably going to end in a fight, but on the chance it doesn’t, let’s be smart.

With that in mind, assemble your team and get to it. The U.S.S. Phoebe is prepped and ready for you in hangar bay 4. Keep me updated.

Captain Lauren Varley
Commanding Officer, Deep Space 13
38th Fleet ‘Argo’


Security Level 3 - Restricted
TO: CAPT Varley
CC: CAPT Bishop
FROM: LCDR Sideris
SUBJ: Re: Xedi Situation

CAPT Varley,

Understood. We’ll send updates through secure channels as we have them. See you soon.

LCDR Sideris
Intelligence Officer, DS13
38th Fleet ‘Argo’

Security Level 3 - Restricted
TO LCDR Sideris, N
CC CAPT Varley, L; CPT Valencia, G
SUBJ Re: Xedi Situation

Agreed, this plan is approved. I’m assigning Captain Valencia to this on my end. She will be able to offer her expertise, give protection if things go badly, and perhaps be of assistance in trying to convince the General, military operative to military operative.

Good luck Commander. The lives of more than the Xedi are resting on this operation.


Captain Samuel Alexander Bishop PhD
Commanding Officer - USS Endeavour
38th Fleet ‘Argo’